20. Hope

Source: imgur.com
As a fisherman’s boat casually strolls through the water as it course dictates, the hardworking fisherman notice a daunting sight – an exhausted and lost pup, hopelessly drifting on a piece of ice with nowhere to go! In such a peculiar situation, it’s not clear on what course of action should be taken…

19. Haplessness

Source: imgur.com
A black pup, obviously fatigued and malnourished drifts on a piece of ice with a look that can only be described as haplessness. It’s been wet for God knows how long and it’s probably experiencing hypothermia – something has to be done!

18. A cry for help

Source: imgur.com
The pup, breathless from exhaustion, fatigue and hypothermia, notices the fishing boat and even though it doesn’t have the strength to bark out for help, the look tells the story of its misfortune. The real question is, will it be recognized?

17. A lone savior

Source: imgur.com
John, being the best swimmer in the crew, takes on his sole purpose to the savior of the situation! While he swims slowly ever so closer to the pup, he yells to it: “Jackie, I’m here boy, I’m here, don’t worry…”

16. KneeDeepTroubles

Source: imgur.com
John, even though the best swimmer between his fellow fishermen, even he alone struggles to swim fully clothed with his uniform in -20 degrees freezing waters. But he knows, this is one task he only must, but will not fail…

15. Touchdown

Source: imgur.com
As John finally reaches the piece of ice on which the pup’s standing, even exhausted himself, he yells out: “Jackie, I’m here boy, don’t worry, don’t worry”…
But the pup is frightened beyond belief and is not reacting, as if he was afraid of John. John decides there’s only one thing to do.

14. An inch away from safety

Source: imgur.com
John attaches the 2nd part of his rope to the piece of ice, and slowly drags Jackie to the boat. As if swimming alone in the freezing waters wasn’t hard enough, now he needs to pull the ice with the pup as well…But all is not lost, as this time John has the support of his fishermen friends who help pull the first side of the rope, making John’s job easier.

13. All aboard

Source: imgur.com
As John finally reaches the safety of the boat, he’s got his mind of the priorities – the pup goes first on the boat, to be taken care of immediately with proper warming and drying out. As such, John deliberately stays in the freezing water for a couple of more minutes just so he can push Jackie onboard, helped by his mates to finally lift him up and bring him in.

12. A side view

Source: imgur.com
Some of John’s fisherman friends are not on the deck itself, but in the cockpit of the boat as the boat still needs to be operated, especially in this dangerous situation so both John and Jackie reach safety. All they can do is just watch how this tense moment unfolds. What follows next is on their minds as well…

11. Closure

Source: imgur.com
Alas, with good deeds comes goodness and it’s the initial act of kindness which the whole fishermen crew undertook with John as their vanguard to save Jackie from death is what allowed for Jackie to recover so fast. After a few days of warmth and quality food on the boat, Jackie is no longer the lost, hopeless and hungry pup lost on the open sea but a beautiful black stallion with gaze of pure love and thankfulness.

10. A perilous predicament

Source: imgur.com
But what happens in a situation where there’s no brave vanguard as John was to save a pup in distress? This labrador pup called Snowflake has wandered away from his mom and dad and is dangerously getting too close to an upcoming tide that might sweep him way with no one to intervene to his rescue. Or perhaps…

9. An unexpected savior

Source: imgur.com
A dolphin, a sight rare on its own comes close to the shore at its own danger to thwart Snowflake from going any further! It deters Snowflake away, away from the upcoming tide, back to safety. Now what a sight that is!

8. Crysis averted

Source: imgur.com
Best seen here, as the waves of the tide approach Snowflake is just far enough to not be engulfed into danger as he indeed did listen to the warnings of his new friend. To be fair, he owns him one.

7. A safeguard

Source: imgur.com
Snowflake has a debt, but a debt that’ll be paid off by other pups. “Rusty” being this pups nickname, he’s an older dog who works as a rescue dog. He’s equipped by a swimming vest and has long done his duty as a guard, hence the name.

6. In preparation for action

Source: imgur.com
Here we have Rusty properly equipped, set and ready to yet again risk his life to save another! Even as the people which he works with prepare him for the upcoming dangerous task, he still manages to give a farewell before he does the job with a huge smile. But can dogs help people in such dire situations if not prepared?

5. Diving to the help

Source: imgur.com
Rusty’s a maybe old to endure the cold water and to sustain the strength to help a drowning person without gear, but Gizmo here is a strong young german shepherd who’s innate instincts guide him to protect other people. Without any gear, trailing or preparation, at the sign of distress Gizmo jumps fearlessly into the water!

4. A shoulder to lean on

Source: imgur.com
Being young and strong, it’s obvious here that Gizmo has more than enough strength not only to carry his own weight, but the weight of the person in need as well! As the drowning man leans on Gizmo’s back, Gizmo doesn’t struggle to carry the weight of both, back to safety.

3. BackToShore

Source: imgur.com
After reaching the shore, the drowning man is too exhausted from his struggle in deep water, but Gizmo is as vigilant as ever so as soon as they hit ground, Gizmo even gently bites the man by the shirt and pulls him away from the water completely, back to solid and dry ground where the man can recuperate fully.

2. Together in the cold

Source: imgur.com
As we’ve seen, no one is invincible – we all need help sometimes, and we all need to help each other. The struggle may be rough but after all, it’s mutual and together we can overcome it.

1. Together in love

Source: imgur.com
All we need, every single one of us, everyone and even everything, from a man to a pup to a plant is love and care. Only by helping each other and giving strength to one another can we be strong together and live a better life.

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