20. The cold outside

Source: imgur.com
Winter is scary for those who don’t have shelter – the rigid low temperatures, low air moisture and lack of food can in combination sometimes be too hard for some animals who find themselves in sch a situation. But maybe, if they look for an aswer…

19. First glance

Source: imgur.com
In accord to their size, these two humming birds have found the warmth they sought and needed so bad at a plain heating pad, as the heat the heating pad radiates when turned on is just enough to keep these two little fellas warm! The idea gives me a cozy feeling as well.

18. Meeting Rocky

Source: imgur.com
Unlike his name suggests and his initial glance shows, Rocky is a heartwarming little humming bird who just found an unusual shelter! Even though skeptical at first, he slowly eases and comes closer to the heating pad…

17. A tale of joy

Source: imgur.com
He’s finally getting warm and it’s clearly visible now that the initial rigidness is gone. Being finally cozy after so much struggle, he shows nothing less but a gentle smile on his face! For him, the hardships of winter have ended.

16. Meeting Adrian

Source: imgur.com
His longtime buddy Adrian however, is much more open to new opportunities. Just as she found the heating pad along Rocky, she immediately gets as close as she can and is even a bit angrily behaved as she’s in such a rush to get warm! What mischief follows next…

15. Beak a boo

Source: imgur.com
In her desire to get warmer faster, Adrian even puts the top of his little beak in the hole of the heating pad from where most heat is radiated, probably to warm up his cold beak. She’s like a fashion model who just wants to get her “beauty sleep” – getting warmer by any means.

14. A little bit of play

Source: imgur.com
Having finally dealt with the hardships of the winter, Rocky and Adrian can finally relax and indulge into a little bit of a play. Even though they’re warm already, now they playfully “argue” about who is going to get closer to the better spot of the heater. It’s as silly as it’s beautiful!

13. A new era

Source: imgur.com
Winter has ended, and with her all of her hardships have gone as well. Spring has came, a time of joy and blossom, when all life and especially humming birds, get to go around their day and joy enjoy themselves. But these two are not yet ready to depart.

12. Sharing a kiss

Source: imgur.com
Spending the whole winter together has made an unbreakable bond between Adrian and Rocky. Although they’re going to take a different path in life, they’ll mark their departure with a short, fuzzy and gentle kiss so even if they never see each other again, at least they’ll forever be in each other’s heart.

11. Departure

Source: imgur.com
With the coming of the spring and it’s beauty, Adrian was not left out by her touch. She has became a beautifully colored little humming bird, ready to take on the adventures which the world has to offer for her!

10. Last sight

Source: imgur.com
Rocky watches from a distance as Adrian flies away from the heater to which cuddled together they spent the perilous winter together. He will miss his buddy, but wishes nothing but the best for his best friend in the world.

9. Back outside

Source: imgur.com
With spring came the blossom of the flowers, the same flowers on which humming birds feed and also pollinate. Adrian’s time has finally came, as she approaches the first flower after her departure and enjoys a fresh and tasty meal after such a long time!

8. The spring and the beauty

Source: imgur.com
Spring and humming birds go hand to hand, and as spring passes so does Adrian’s beauty increases. With each passing day, she grows stronger, faster and prettier! She’s already a beauty, how much better can she get?

7. An exotic meal

Source: imgur.com
The answer to that question is how much better flowers to feed on she can find! Every flower has its own beauty and taste, but to taste a flower such as beautiful as this one, we can be safely assured that Adrian has made her place in the world. But with all this talk about Adrian, what happened to Rocky?

6. Hangouts

Source: imgur.com
His grumpiness might be a deception, but his laziness is not – Rocky, after all, has decided to stay in the company of the heating pad and the person to which the pad belongs. With Adrian gone and still in his heart, Rocky hopes to make friends with the owner of the heating pad…

5. A questioning look

Source: imgur.com
With a look of doubt, Rocky subtly asks the owner of the heating pad “Can we be friends?”. He’s yet again playing grumpy, but we all know how kindhearted he is and the owner has no other choice but to accept this friendship with his whole heart!

4. A new home

Source: imgur.com
Rocky has made a new home, a new sanctuary in which he will be protected when new hardships and the next winter comes. Here, with the company of the cozy heating pad and its owner, he will make his new life.

3. Settling down

Source: imgur.com
Rocky has fully set down and now as days pass he enjoys the company of his new friend. His new friend provides food and water, the heating pad gives warmth and Rocky is doing what he does best – simply enjoying himself and being the wholesome little humming bird he is. Yet, times beforehand are still sometimes on his mind…

2. Brother and sister

Source: imgur.com
There was a time, when Rocky and Adrian were inseparable, as true brother and sister are! Together they battled life’s hardship and enjoyed its blessings. There was a time when they only had each other to rely on.

1. Together in love

Source: imgur.com
Even though that is not the case anymore, Rocky and Adrian will never forget each other – their hearts will always have a reserved place for one another. Even though they live different lives and pursue different destinies, no one knows if they’ll ever meet again…

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