Meet Nyakim Gatwech, the South Sudanese model who is challenging the status of the beauty standards with her strong determination and extreme sense of styling, making deep-dark skin the new black in the fashion industry. She is now an important advocate for black rights and race diversity, fighting for those who don’t have a voice and encouraging others to love themselves no matter who deeply pigmented their skins are. The 24 years old model who is known as Queen Of The Dark become an icon after telling the media that she was asked by an Uber Driver to bleach her skin for $10.000, implying that her dark skin was disgusting, which she strongly replied: ‘Why on earth would I ever bleach this beautiful melanin?’.  She’s now making the world aware of her beautiful so-called ‘black gold’ skin.

Black Gold

Media Source

She thinks that prejudices and favoritism for light skinned people are guided by insecurities.

Meet Nyakim Gatwech, the South Sudanese model who is challenging the status of the beauty standards with her strong determination and extreme sense of styling, making deep-dark skin the new black in the fashion industry. She is now an important advocate for black rights and race diversity, fighting for those who don’t have a voice and encouraging others to love themselves no matter who deeply pigmented their skins are. The 24 years old model who is known as Queen Of The Dark become an icon after telling the media that she was asked by an Uber Driver to bleach her skin for $10.000, implying that her dark skin was disgusting, which she strongly replied: ‘Why on earth would I ever bleach this beautiful melanin?’. She’s now making the world aware of her beautiful so-called ‘black gold’ skin.

Black Chocolate 

Media Source

“My chocolate is elegant. So is what I represent. A nation of warriors” wrote on an Instagram photo, to celebrate racial diversity.

Meet Nyakim Gatwech, the South Sudanese model who is challenging the status of the beauty standards with her strong determination and extreme sense of styling, making deep-dark skin the new black in the fashion industry. She is now an important advocate for black rights and race diversity, fighting for those who don’t have a voice and encouraging others to love themselves no matter who deeply pigmented their skins are. The 24 years old model who is known as Queen Of The Dark become an icon after telling the media that she was asked by an Uber Driver to bleach her skin for $10.000, implying that her dark skin was disgusting, which she strongly replied: ‘Why on earth would I ever bleach this beautiful melanin?’. She’s now making the world aware of her beautiful so-called ‘black gold’ skin.


Media Source

She struggled about her skin tone after being bullied while growing up. Cruel comments such as, ‘You black as h***, take a shower’, left her emotionally lost. But now she embraces their skin color and body proudly.

Meet Nyakim Gatwech, the South Sudanese model who is challenging the status of the beauty standards with her strong determination and extreme sense of styling, making deep-dark skin the new black in the fashion industry. She is now an important advocate for black rights and race diversity, fighting for those who don’t have a voice and encouraging others to love themselves no matter who deeply pigmented their skins are. The 24 years old model who is known as Queen Of The Dark become an icon after telling the media that she was asked by an Uber Driver to bleach her skin for $10.000, implying that her dark skin was disgusting, which she strongly replied: ‘Why on earth would I ever bleach this beautiful melanin?’. She’s now making the world aware of her beautiful so-called ‘black gold’ skin.

Field Of Modeling

Media Source

Against all odds, she is now a successful name in the field of modeling, breaking down the barriers of conventional beauty with her dark skin.

Meet Nyakim Gatwech, the South Sudanese model who is challenging the status of the beauty standards with her strong determination and extreme sense of styling, making deep-dark skin the new black in the fashion industry. She is now an important advocate for black rights and race diversity, fighting for those who don’t have a voice and encouraging others to love themselves no matter who deeply pigmented their skins are. The 24 years old model who is known as Queen Of The Dark become an icon after telling the media that she was asked by an Uber Driver to bleach her skin for $10.000, implying that her dark skin was disgusting, which she strongly replied: ‘Why on earth would I ever bleach this beautiful melanin?’. She’s now making the world aware of her beautiful so-called ‘black gold’ skin.

Social Media 

Media Source

With 155K followers and at least 10 thousand likes per photo on Instagram, she is using social media to celebrate racial diversity around the world.

Meet Nyakim Gatwech, the South Sudanese model who is challenging the status of the beauty standards with her strong determination and extreme sense of styling, making deep-dark skin the new black in the fashion industry. She is now an important advocate for black rights and race diversity, fighting for those who don’t have a voice and encouraging others to love themselves no matter who deeply pigmented their skins are. The 24 years old model who is known as Queen Of The Dark become an icon after telling the media that she was asked by an Uber Driver to bleach her skin for $10.000, implying that her dark skin was disgusting, which she strongly replied: ‘Why on earth would I ever bleach this beautiful melanin?’. She’s now making the world aware of her beautiful so-called ‘black gold’ skin.

Hate Comments

Media Source

Although her followers on social media are constantly showing her love, she still gets some hate comments, either way, she says nothing will stop her fierceness.

Meet Nyakim Gatwech, the South Sudanese model who is challenging the status of the beauty standards with her strong determination and extreme sense of styling, making deep-dark skin the new black in the fashion industry. She is now an important advocate for black rights and race diversity, fighting for those who don’t have a voice and encouraging others to love themselves no matter who deeply pigmented their skins are. The 24 years old model who is known as Queen Of The Dark become an icon after telling the media that she was asked by an Uber Driver to bleach her skin for $10.000, implying that her dark skin was disgusting, which she strongly replied: ‘Why on earth would I ever bleach this beautiful melanin?’. She’s now making the world aware of her beautiful so-called ‘black gold’ skin.

Strong Woman

Media Source

She is the true representation of black women across the world.

Meet Nyakim Gatwech, the South Sudanese model who is challenging the status of the beauty standards with her strong determination and extreme sense of styling, making deep-dark skin the new black in the fashion industry. She is now an important advocate for black rights and race diversity, fighting for those who don’t have a voice and encouraging others to love themselves no matter who deeply pigmented their skins are. The 24 years old model who is known as Queen Of The Dark become an icon after telling the media that she was asked by an Uber Driver to bleach her skin for $10.000, implying that her dark skin was disgusting, which she strongly replied: ‘Why on earth would I ever bleach this beautiful melanin?’. She’s now making the world aware of her beautiful so-called ‘black gold’ skin.

Life Motto

Media Source

She took this advice from her sister: ‘The most satisfying feeling is when you are comfortable in your own skin and when you accept your beautiful dark, dark melanin.’ turning it in her ultimate life motto.

Meet Nyakim Gatwech, the South Sudanese model who is challenging the status of the beauty standards with her strong determination and extreme sense of styling, making deep-dark skin the new black in the fashion industry. She is now an important advocate for black rights and race diversity, fighting for those who don’t have a voice and encouraging others to love themselves no matter who deeply pigmented their skins are. The 24 years old model who is known as Queen Of The Dark become an icon after telling the media that she was asked by an Uber Driver to bleach her skin for $10.000, implying that her dark skin was disgusting, which she strongly replied: ‘Why on earth would I ever bleach this beautiful melanin?’. She’s now making the world aware of her beautiful so-called ‘black gold’ skin.

Black Rights 

Media Source

As part of her role as spokeswoman in the field of black rights, she once said to media: ‘You represent me and I represent you and let show the world how beautiful and intelligent we are apart from just being dark skin”

Meet Nyakim Gatwech, the South Sudanese model who is challenging the status of the beauty standards with her strong determination and extreme sense of styling, making deep-dark skin the new black in the fashion industry. She is now an important advocate for black rights and race diversity, fighting for those who don’t have a voice and encouraging others to love themselves no matter who deeply pigmented their skins are. The 24 years old model who is known as Queen Of The Dark become an icon after telling the media that she was asked by an Uber Driver to bleach her skin for $10.000, implying that her dark skin was disgusting, which she strongly replied: ‘Why on earth would I ever bleach this beautiful melanin?’. She’s now making the world aware of her beautiful so-called ‘black gold’ skin.

Black Rights

Media Source

Then she added: ‘Because we are more than what this society thinks of our dark skin let stand up for those who can’t. Let’s speak up those who can’t. And stay beautiful while doing it.’ Gatwech is definitely all about mixing human rights and beauty.

Meet Nyakim Gatwech, the South Sudanese model who is challenging the status of the beauty standards with her strong determination and extreme sense of styling, making deep-dark skin the new black in the fashion industry. She is now an important advocate for black rights and race diversity, fighting for those who don’t have a voice and encouraging others to love themselves no matter who deeply pigmented their skins are. The 24 years old model who is known as Queen Of The Dark become an icon after telling the media that she was asked by an Uber Driver to bleach her skin for $10.000, implying that her dark skin was disgusting, which she strongly replied: ‘Why on earth would I ever bleach this beautiful melanin?’. She’s now making the world aware of her beautiful so-called ‘black gold’ skin.

Motivational Quotes

Media Source

On one of her most liked photos on Instagram, she captioned: ‘Black is bold, black is beautiful, black is gold” and she is right.

Meet Nyakim Gatwech, the South Sudanese model who is challenging the status of the beauty standards with her strong determination and extreme sense of styling, making deep-dark skin the new black in the fashion industry. She is now an important advocate for black rights and race diversity, fighting for those who don’t have a voice and encouraging others to love themselves no matter who deeply pigmented their skins are. The 24 years old model who is known as Queen Of The Dark become an icon after telling the media that she was asked by an Uber Driver to bleach her skin for $10.000, implying that her dark skin was disgusting, which she strongly replied: ‘Why on earth would I ever bleach this beautiful melanin?’. She’s now making the world aware of her beautiful so-called ‘black gold’ skin.

Queen Of The Dark 

Media Source

Her fanbase has called her skin tone: “black gold” due to the way how shiny and radiant her skin looks in every single picture she has.

Meet Nyakim Gatwech, the South Sudanese model who is challenging the status of the beauty standards with her strong determination and extreme sense of styling, making deep-dark skin the new black in the fashion industry. She is now an important advocate for black rights and race diversity, fighting for those who don’t have a voice and encouraging others to love themselves no matter who deeply pigmented their skins are. The 24 years old model who is known as Queen Of The Dark become an icon after telling the media that she was asked by an Uber Driver to bleach her skin for $10.000, implying that her dark skin was disgusting, which she strongly replied: ‘Why on earth would I ever bleach this beautiful melanin?’. She’s now making the world aware of her beautiful so-called ‘black gold’ skin.

Soft Skin 

Media Source

The most she loves about her skin is that it’s soft and one tone completely, she said recently to Yahoo! One of her skin care secrets is using coconut oil every night before sleep.

Meet Nyakim Gatwech, the South Sudanese model who is challenging the status of the beauty standards with her strong determination and extreme sense of styling, making deep-dark skin the new black in the fashion industry. She is now an important advocate for black rights and race diversity, fighting for those who don’t have a voice and encouraging others to love themselves no matter who deeply pigmented their skins are. The 24 years old model who is known as Queen Of The Dark become an icon after telling the media that she was asked by an Uber Driver to bleach her skin for $10.000, implying that her dark skin was disgusting, which she strongly replied: ‘Why on earth would I ever bleach this beautiful melanin?’. She’s now making the world aware of her beautiful so-called ‘black gold’ skin.

Black Superwoman

Media Source

About her deep dark skin, she said: “My skin absorbs the sun’s rays and my hair defies gravity. Now you can’t tell me I’m not magical!”

Meet Nyakim Gatwech, the South Sudanese model who is challenging the status of the beauty standards with her strong determination and extreme sense of styling, making deep-dark skin the new black in the fashion industry. She is now an important advocate for black rights and race diversity, fighting for those who don’t have a voice and encouraging others to love themselves no matter who deeply pigmented their skins are. The 24 years old model who is known as Queen Of The Dark become an icon after telling the media that she was asked by an Uber Driver to bleach her skin for $10.000, implying that her dark skin was disgusting, which she strongly replied: ‘Why on earth would I ever bleach this beautiful melanin?’. She’s now making the world aware of her beautiful so-called ‘black gold’ skin.

Uber Driver Indecent

Media Source

Recently she described an incident where an Uber Driver asked her about bleaching her dark skin, in which, instead of bursting into tears she started laughing at his face, “I couldn’t believe it” she said on Instagram.

Meet Nyakim Gatwech, the South Sudanese model who is challenging the status of the beauty standards with her strong determination and extreme sense of styling, making deep-dark skin the new black in the fashion industry. She is now an important advocate for black rights and race diversity, fighting for those who don’t have a voice and encouraging others to love themselves no matter who deeply pigmented their skins are. The 24 years old model who is known as Queen Of The Dark become an icon after telling the media that she was asked by an Uber Driver to bleach her skin for $10.000, implying that her dark skin was disgusting, which she strongly replied: ‘Why on earth would I ever bleach this beautiful melanin?’. She’s now making the world aware of her beautiful so-called ‘black gold’ skin.

Urban Driver Indecent 

Media Source

Since then she simply has fully embraced her deep dark appearance more than ever.

Meet Nyakim Gatwech, the South Sudanese model who is challenging the status of the beauty standards with her strong determination and extreme sense of styling, making deep-dark skin the new black in the fashion industry. She is now an important advocate for black rights and race diversity, fighting for those who don’t have a voice and encouraging others to love themselves no matter who deeply pigmented their skins are. The 24 years old model who is known as Queen Of The Dark become an icon after telling the media that she was asked by an Uber Driver to bleach her skin for $10.000, implying that her dark skin was disgusting, which she strongly replied: ‘Why on earth would I ever bleach this beautiful melanin?’. She’s now making the world aware of her beautiful so-called ‘black gold’ skin.

You Are Me

Media Source

Writing on Instagram, she said: “Dear my moonshine dark skin, sun-kissed complexion, burn skin or whatever they might call you: You are beyond beautiful and the love I have for is unconditional because you are me”. 

Meet Nyakim Gatwech, the South Sudanese model who is challenging the status of the beauty standards with her strong determination and extreme sense of styling, making deep-dark skin the new black in the fashion industry. She is now an important advocate for black rights and race diversity, fighting for those who don’t have a voice and encouraging others to love themselves no matter who deeply pigmented their skins are. The 24 years old model who is known as Queen Of The Dark become an icon after telling the media that she was asked by an Uber Driver to bleach her skin for $10.000, implying that her dark skin was disgusting, which she strongly replied: ‘Why on earth would I ever bleach this beautiful melanin?’. She’s now making the world aware of her beautiful so-called ‘black gold’ skin.

Brave Woman

Media Source

She is definitely a brave woman who is making her own game rules to play.

Meet Nyakim Gatwech, the South Sudanese model who is challenging the status of the beauty standards with her strong determination and extreme sense of styling, making deep-dark skin the new black in the fashion industry. She is now an important advocate for black rights and race diversity, fighting for those who don’t have a voice and encouraging others to love themselves no matter who deeply pigmented their skins are. The 24 years old model who is known as Queen Of The Dark become an icon after telling the media that she was asked by an Uber Driver to bleach her skin for $10.000, implying that her dark skin was disgusting, which she strongly replied: ‘Why on earth would I ever bleach this beautiful melanin?’. She’s now making the world aware of her beautiful so-called ‘black gold’ skin.

Fashion Industry 

Media Source

Nyakim Gatwech is definitely that refreshing point of view in the fashion industry we all needed it.

Meet Nyakim Gatwech, the South Sudanese model who is challenging the status of the beauty standards with her strong determination and extreme sense of styling, making deep-dark skin the new black in the fashion industry. She is now an important advocate for black rights and race diversity, fighting for those who don’t have a voice and encouraging others to love themselves no matter who deeply pigmented their skins are. The 24 years old model who is known as Queen Of The Dark become an icon after telling the media that she was asked by an Uber Driver to bleach her skin for $10.000, implying that her dark skin was disgusting, which she strongly replied: ‘Why on earth would I ever bleach this beautiful melanin?’. She’s now making the world aware of her beautiful so-called ‘black gold’ skin.

Future Black

Media Source

Let’s keep the eye on her. It’s only the beginning for the “Queen Of The Dark”

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