ndian Black Hats, a group of Indian hackers, launched a massive attack on seven Pakistani websites including that of the Pakistan Bar Council to avenge the terror attack at Pathankot Air Force Station on New Year.

According to The Times of India, the hackers dedicated the hacking to the 18-month old daughter of late Lt Col Niranjan of the National Security Guards. The websites were defaced with an image of Niranjan’s daughter with this message underneath:

This Attack is dedicated for VismayA, the daughter of NSG Commando Lt Col Niranjan!! A Big Salute from team IBH To the familys of brave soldiers who lost their life in Pathankot Attack!! A Small Tribute to those Brave Soldiers who Laid their Precious Life for our Country and our People!! RIP Brave Souls of Pathankot !! We Are Proud Of You Guys !! Bharat Maata Ki Jai !! Vande Matharam !!

We forgive…We forget… Don’t Expect Anything from us…!!

With F**K FrOm: Ind_Cod3r & L!u M!nyu


Cyber experts claim that attacks from India are focused on targeting government websites. Kislay Chaudhary, cyber security analyst and CEO of Indian Cyber Army, told The Daily Mail:

“Several Pakistani websites were hacked in the last couple of days, which is done to send across a message that Indian hackers won’t sit quiet. Underground community is also planning to launch a major attack specially targeting government operated websites. Our investigations reveal several sites have already been defaced.”

Indian Black Hats is also identifying and blocking profiles on social media and websites being operated by banned terror outfits like Jamaat-ud-Dawa (JuD), Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT), the Students Islamic Movement of India (SIMI) and Indian Mujahideen (IM).

Six terrorists, divided into two teams, entered the Pathankot air force base and launched a deadly attack over the first weekend of 2016 to destroy India’s fighter jets, attack helicopters, a fueling station and a building where ammunition was stored. Seven military personnel (5 Defence Security Corps personnel, 1 IAF Garud commando, and 1 National Security Guard) were martyred in the assault.


In November 2015, Kerala Cyber Warriors along with Indian Black Hats attacked as many as 130 government and non-government Pakistani websites as a tribute to the martyrs of Mumbai terror attacks, which began on 26 November and lasted until 29 November, 2008 killing more than 150 people.