Food. We all love food, and sometimes we just have really good inventions. Whether different sauces are mixed, or just the packaging is very interesting, we all love food. Check out these photos!

Avocado Huggers To Keep It Fresh

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Huggers. I love these new inventions, where you just “hug’ the fruit or veggie if you don’t want to use it all.

Food. We all love food, and sometimes we just have really good inventions. Whether different sauces are mixed, or just the packaging is very interesting, we all love food. Check out these photos!

This Toaster Has A 'Bit More' Option

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This toaster is way too high tech. More than anyone can take. Oh my goodness.

Food. We all love food, and sometimes we just have really good inventions. Whether different sauces are mixed, or just the packaging is very interesting, we all love food. Check out these photos!

My Town Has A Baguette Vending Machine

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Fresh Baguettes. I love how everything is now automated and cooked on the spot.

Food. We all love food, and sometimes we just have really good inventions. Whether different sauces are mixed, or just the packaging is very interesting, we all love food. Check out these photos!

Bowl For People Who Hate Soggy Cereal

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No more soggy cereal. Never again.

Food. We all love food, and sometimes we just have really good inventions. Whether different sauces are mixed, or just the packaging is very interesting, we all love food. Check out these photos!

This Churros Cone Has A Dippable Chocolate Sauce Container

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Churro Holder with sauce on the side. This is such a smart idea, so nothing gets too sticky!

Food. We all love food, and sometimes we just have really good inventions. Whether different sauces are mixed, or just the packaging is very interesting, we all love food. Check out these photos!

The Microwave At My Office Is A Pull Out Drawer

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Microwave as a pull handle. What kind of magic… Looks like a stove too!

Food. We all love food, and sometimes we just have really good inventions. Whether different sauces are mixed, or just the packaging is very interesting, we all love food. Check out these photos!

My Bag Of Rice Closes With Velcro

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Velcro rice closer. Where is this from, Trader Joe’s? This is way to high tech!

Food. We all love food, and sometimes we just have really good inventions. Whether different sauces are mixed, or just the packaging is very interesting, we all love food. Check out these photos!

Chick-Fil-A Doesn't Charge Customers For Ingredients That The Customers Don't Want

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Chick-Fil-A Takes out money for what you don’t want? This is a good idea.

Food. We all love food, and sometimes we just have really good inventions. Whether different sauces are mixed, or just the packaging is very interesting, we all love food. Check out these photos!

This Is A Pizza Vending Machine I Saw In Croatia. You Pick The Toppings And It Actually Bakes It For You Right There!

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Insta Pizza – This is so smart. Easy for the person in charge, and the customer.

Food. We all love food, and sometimes we just have really good inventions. Whether different sauces are mixed, or just the packaging is very interesting, we all love food. Check out these photos!

This Restaurant Had A Complementary Mouthwash Machine In The Bathroom

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Complementary wash machine. Helpful for the bathroom. cool!

Food. We all love food, and sometimes we just have really good inventions. Whether different sauces are mixed, or just the packaging is very interesting, we all love food. Check out these photos!

This Bag Has The Corners Cut Out So That The Pizza Sits Flat

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Corners precut for the helpfulness for the customer. Perfect for not turning your pizza.

Food. We all love food, and sometimes we just have really good inventions. Whether different sauces are mixed, or just the packaging is very interesting, we all love food. Check out these photos!

My Dad's New Car Has Cooled/Heated Cup Holders

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New car has a cooled/heating method? This is a smart idea for those who have something to cool or heat.

Food. We all love food, and sometimes we just have really good inventions. Whether different sauces are mixed, or just the packaging is very interesting, we all love food. Check out these photos!

My Bar Has An Ice Strip To Keep Your Beer Cold

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Bar has an ice strip to keep your glass cold. This might be pricy, but a smart idea.

Food. We all love food, and sometimes we just have really good inventions. Whether different sauces are mixed, or just the packaging is very interesting, we all love food. Check out these photos!

The Microwave I Use At Work Has A Button To Turn Off The Sound, So It Doesn't Beep When Your Food Is Done

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NO SOUND? This is the best invention. Now, I can cook things in the microwave even at night.

Food. We all love food, and sometimes we just have really good inventions. Whether different sauces are mixed, or just the packaging is very interesting, we all love food. Check out these photos!

This Supermarket Has Confectionary Free Checkouts For Parents Unwilling To Have Children Demanding That They Buy Some

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This is amazing. The store is tired to kids begging, and this is a great way for the kids.

Food. We all love food, and sometimes we just have really good inventions. Whether different sauces are mixed, or just the packaging is very interesting, we all love food. Check out these photos!

New Huge Dates Stamped On The Milks In The Store

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Huge stamps of when it expires. Helpful for those who struggle finding it.

Food. We all love food, and sometimes we just have really good inventions. Whether different sauces are mixed, or just the packaging is very interesting, we all love food. Check out these photos!

This Is How They Sell Wine Bottles At This Music Festival. 4 Cups That Come Apart

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Wine for everyone. Pop one off, and the rest are used for the whole party.

Food. We all love food, and sometimes we just have really good inventions. Whether different sauces are mixed, or just the packaging is very interesting, we all love food. Check out these photos!

This Box Of Chewing Gum I Bought Comes With A Separate Container And Wrapper Paper To Put Used Gum In

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Put used gum in? This is a new invention. How smart could Trident get?

Food. We all love food, and sometimes we just have really good inventions. Whether different sauces are mixed, or just the packaging is very interesting, we all love food. Check out these photos!

My Supermarket Lets You Eat Produce While You Shop For A 25 Cents

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Try a healthy snack for only 25 cents! I really want to  try this now.

Food. We all love food, and sometimes we just have really good inventions. Whether different sauces are mixed, or just the packaging is very interesting, we all love food. Check out these photos!

This Movie Rental Place Has A Hole In The Wall So That You Can Order Pizza From Next Door

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Order while checking out movies. This is a cool small area for pizza.

Food. We all love food, and sometimes we just have really good inventions. Whether different sauces are mixed, or just the packaging is very interesting, we all love food. Check out these photos!

This Mango Has A Sticker Which Tells You What Colour The Best Tasting Level Of Ripeness Is

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This color is the best. This is a cool image for these mangos. Check this out!

Food. We all love food, and sometimes we just have really good inventions. Whether different sauces are mixed, or just the packaging is very interesting, we all love food. Check out these photos!

My Receipt Came With A Nutritional Breakdown

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Calories included? How awesome of this company to be helpful.

Food. We all love food, and sometimes we just have really good inventions. Whether different sauces are mixed, or just the packaging is very interesting, we all love food. Check out these photos!

This Restaurant Bathroom Has Two Different Kinds Of Soaps

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Two different soaps in the restaurant. How sweet of them!

Food. We all love food, and sometimes we just have really good inventions. Whether different sauces are mixed, or just the packaging is very interesting, we all love food. Check out these photos!

My Spoon Has A Line Where Its Center Of Gravity Is

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Spoon has a line where the center is. How smart is this? You can now scoop soup confortably.

Food. We all love food, and sometimes we just have really good inventions. Whether different sauces are mixed, or just the packaging is very interesting, we all love food. Check out these photos!

My Ramen Has A Built-In Strainer

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Ramen with built in strainer. Yes. This is such a good idea.