Every house has its own weird noises and quirks that it makes, just ask any homeowner. That’s why when one pest control specialist received a call about a noise in the wall, he didn’t think too much of it. However, as soon as he removed a brick from the wall he got a surprise that he wasn’t expecting at all.

20. Strange Noise

Image: Boredom Therapy

Around late September, one family living in their house in Tennessee began to hear some strange noises coming from their walls. They couldn’t quite understand what the noise was and so they assumed that an animal had possibly gotten stuck. After all, it’s not that much of an uncommon occurrence.

19. More & More Noises

Image: Boredom Therapy

It is actually pretty common for animals to get stuck in between the walls of homes, especially when the weather gets colder. However, as the months passed by the noises didn’t seem to go away. The homeowners were beginning to get worried as the noises only got worse.

18. Insect Problem

Image: Boredom Therapy

That’s when the family came to the conclusion that it had to be an insect problem. They then decided to invest in a DIY bug-bomb and deployed it in the walls. At that point they thought for sure that they had gotten rid of the noise problem…

17. Calling A Professional

Image: Boredom Therapy

However, the bug-bomb didn’t seem to fix the problem at all! The noise was still lingering in the walls and the family decided that at this point that they needed to call a professional. So the family called up pest control specialist David Glover.

16. Confident

Image: Boredom Therapy

David felt quite confident that if there were any bugs that he would be able to get them out. After all, David has had years of experience in getting rid of rodents. However, nothing could have prepared him for what he would soon discover in the walls.

15. Small Openings

Image: Boredom Therapy

As David was looking around the house he soon discovered a “weep hole” (a small opening that allows water to drain from). Then he discovered another small gap between the kitchen window and the brick. He figured that these openings could have been an entry point for an animal.

14. Infrared Camera

Image: Boredom Therapy

David decided that in order to get an idea of what was lodged in the wall that he would use his infrared camera. The camera is able to pick up on heat which would allow David to see what is hiding in the walls. However, when David got back the images he was shocked by the size of whatever was hiding in their home.

13. Smoked Out

Image: Boredom Therapy

David immediately decided to attempt and smoke out whatever was in the walls just in case they were incredibly dangerous. He also began to put out some natural insect repellant to prevent them from escaping to other parts of the walls.

12, Pulling A Brick

Image: Boredom Therapy

While the insects were stunned by the gases, David decided to continue to open up the weeping hole some more. As he removed the brick, his suspicions were immediately confirmed. You won’t believe what he found inside of the wall.

11. Infestation

Image: Boredom Therapy

As David removed the brick, he realized that the intruders in the house was a hive of busy honeybees. The honeycomb was enormous and David knew that this was going to be a difficult removal. He knew this wasn’t going to be easy at all.

10. Never-Ending

Image: Boredom Therapy

As David continued to remove each layer of brick, he only began to get more and more overwhelmed. Each layer only revealed more and more of the beehive. It seemed as if the beehive was never-ending!

9. Five Rows

Image: Boredom Therapy

David continued to remove layer after layer of bricks. Soon, he had managed to remove five whole layers! When he finally saw just how massive the beehive was he couldn’t believe his eyes. It almost didn’t feel real…

8. Enormous

Image: Boredom Therapy

The hive was the most enormous one that David had ever seen in his entire life. The honeycomb practically took up a whole chunk of the house. Everyone was in shock that something that massive had been hiding inside of the walls.

7. Thriving

Image: Boredom Therapy

As David began to inspect the situation, he noticed that the honeycomb had thirteen capped queen cells, each with a separate virgin queen bee. It was obvious to David that this honeycomb wasn’t just taking up space, it was continuing to expand more and more.

6. Dead Bees

Image: Boredom Therapy

As David continued to look through, he noticed that there was a large amount of dead bees on the lefthand side. That was where the family had managed to detonate the home bug-bomb. However, that small bomb was no match against an entire colony of bees!

5. Relocation

Image: Boredom Therapy

Although David knew that the bee colony couldn’t continue to live inside of the walls of the house, he didn’t want to exterminate them. He couldn’t rightfully contribute to the effects of the mass bee deaths occurring all throughout the world. So instead, he figured out a way to relocate them.

4. Removal

Image: Boredom Therapy

David started to remove chunks of the honeycomb from the house and it soon began to get quite trippy. At one point, David described the situation as if “the construction crew in this part of the hive was dropping acid.” That’s how intricate the curves and tunnels of the honeycomb construction was.

3. Cooperative Bees

Image: Boredom Therapy

Even though David was basically ripping apart their home, the bees were surprisingly very cooperative. In fact, a few of the bees even landed on David’s shoulders and rested on him. This made relocating them ever easier than he expected.

2. Imprint

Image: Boredom Therapy

Once David had completely cleared out the area he was amazed by the imprint that was left behind. “Kind of cool when you think about all the times your Mom told you to wipe your feet before coming into the house,” David said, jokingly.

1. Honey Farms

Image: Boredom Therapy

Now David will begin delivering the bees over to various honey farms. By delivering some bees over to the farms, David hopes to help out many of the farmers that had been dealing with colony losses. After all, bees are an essential part of our ecosystem!

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