20. Meet Cody Hall – The Woman With a Severe Birthmark


Life can be unpredictable at times when things seem perfectly normal. For this 25 year old Corby woman, “unpredictable” would be more of an understatement. Born with a severe deformity, she spent her entire childhood with a distraught challenge that tested her willpower, relationships and everything there is to it.

19. A Thought Provoking Life Challenge for Cody and The Entire World

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Hailing from Northampton Shire, Cody Hall spent the early years of her childhood battling severe birth deformity issues. As she recalls it now, even though the journey was awfully tough, her story has a happy ending. 

18. Born With a Severe Birthmark That Disfigured Her Entire Face


These defects can happen to anyone during the time when mothers are pregnant. Despite all the technological advancements, doctors have no sure short way of detecting such physical anomalies while babies are still inside the womb.

17. Doctors Sometimes Cannot Detect The Severity of Birth Marks


Even though ultrasound scans can determine sex, appearance and general features of the baby, sometimes these so-called “birth marks” are concealed until the very last moment. At the time of babies’ delivery, parents often abandon them or give them up to adoption centers. 

16. Held by Her mom, Theresa, Cody Looks Full of Life


For Ms. Cody Hall, the credit goes to her parents. As you can see, despite of her physical deformity on the entire left side of her face, her parents, especially her mother, did not abandon her. They supported Cody through thick and thin and nurtured her like any normal child.

15. Doctors Didn’t Have a “Cure” For Her Condition


Babies are sometimes born with a minor case of hemangioma. It is a sort of a birth mark by nature, and it is supposed to wear out by the time the said baby steps into his or her early teens. Hemangioma is caused when blood vessels form a clump formation underneath the skin. In some unfortunate cases, the “disease” can spread over an entire limb’s length.

14. Enduring Life As Each Day Went By


Although Cody Hall suffered from an incident of hemangioma at the time of her birth, it did not deter her parents’ spirit. Doctors normally don’t recommend any medication for hemangioma because it shrinks once the baby starts to grow.

13. Thanks to Some Early Stage Surgeries, School Was a “Bearable” Experience


Cody shared her photo from an old news clipping. You can see that a lot of work still had to be done to make her look “presentable”, but at least she was able to get through school. Still, it was a tough stage in her life. 

12. Things Become More Difficult After School Years


Cody’s life was a little different because the entire left side of her face was horribly disfigured, which called for numerous surgeries that accrued expenses beyond the grasp of her family. However, doctors vowed to send her a surprise news that would change her life forever!

11. Finally Some Good News!

The 25-year-old started receiving surgical treatments over the course of many years. Doctors laid out a plan for Cody that would help her to recover her facial features via a step by step approach.


Ms. Hall endured 14 exclusive facelift surgeries in Northampton Shire. The last 4 surgeries were conducted in the U.S. where she was eventually able to get rid of the scarring memories for the rest of her life.

10. Love Can Happen Under The Most Unlikeliest of Circumstances


After raising over £300,000, Cody Hall headed to the United States where she had to undergo major surgeries. The procedures were also important because she was eager to get married to someone who she met 8 years ago in Northampton Shire.

9. The Couple Got Engaged To Be Married

As Ms. Hall likes to put it now, her now husband: Lewis Holt met her when she was probably at the lowest point in her life. To be honest, it takes a lot more than a big heart to marry someone who has been shunned by the society has a monstrosity.


However, the 27 year old Lewis saw Cody for her real beauty. He supported her through thick and thin and the couple eventually got engaged to be married few years ago.

8. A Match Truly Made In Heaven!


As the couple looks back, life wasn’t easier. It was a rollercoaster ride which not only taught them, but the entire world about the fact that true love sometimes calls for sacrifices.

7. Setting Up an Example for Everyone Out There


The day of her marriage was an emotional experience for Cody and her loved ones. She had tears of joy and immense appreciation for her husband.

6. The Couple’s Wedding Day Photos Were an Eye Opener


Let’s admit it, they both look really happy and cute together. If you stumbled across Cody’s wedding pictures randomly, I can bet that you’d never know that she looked entirely different in the past.

5. Working Full Time As a Nurse to Help Others Through Traumatic Experiences

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Cody Hall is currently employed as a nurse at a local Northampton Shire hospital. No one can understand the true meaning of life and hardships as she does – that’s why she wanted to help patients who’ve had traumatic accidents in their lives. By narrating her own experiences, she’s setting up an example for others. 

4. Cody Opens Up On The Day of Her Wedding


Ms. Hall spoke up about her experiences on her wedding day. “Childhood was especially tough for not only my parents but also me. Thanks to my mom, Theresa, and a strong support system in the family, all I can say is that there is always a happy ending in life. You just have to stay focused and work hard to get through that bad stretch.”

3. Sharing Her Inspirational Story Via Numerous Talk Show Appearances

Since her wedding and numerous talk shows, Cody Hall and Lewis had random people coming up to them to express appreciation and gratitude for the couple’s persistence.


Being born with a severe birth mark was not a matter of choice for Ms. Cody, but the decisions she took definitely had a happy outcome in the long run.

2. How to Deal With Birth Defects?


If you are a parent or a single mother who’s awaiting her child’s birth, make sure that you are getting regular checkups. Sometimes birth marks can turn out to be devastating. Ask your doctor about stuff that relates to your baby’s health and don’t hold back on getting the proper treatment in case anything comes up.

1. What If It’s Too late?


If you are an adult who is suffering from a physical deformity, know this that life is all about challenges.

Seek guidance from those who have undergone similar experiences as you did. Sometimes sharing your own story without someone, or keeping company with like-minded individuals can give you the reason to live and let live in life.

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