“Country” is a far bigger word for what the actual statistics of these places suggest. Some of these places are either so small, or so overcrowded that they give a whole new hilarious overhaul to geography. Wait till you see #10 country, it’s total population is 7!

18. Barbados – The Small But Heavily Over Populated Country


Barbados has an area of 431 Sq. Km, but it is populated by a total of 1,13,000 individuals. The country has very few buildings, its own stamps and law and order system.

Where Is It On The Map?


Yep, right there! It’s just a dot.

17. Marshall Islands


Marshal Islands is a belt of 29 Coral Atolls and 24 different Islands. The Marshallese people speak English and their native language. The country has a population of 68000 and the U.S. Dollar as its main currency.

Where Is It On The Map?


Somewhere above Australia and in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, there is a small belt of land. That’s what you are looking for.

16. San Marino – 61 Sq. Km


San Marino is also known as the Most Serene Republic. It is one of the oldest surviving nation, and also the wealthiest. The country has a population of little over 30,000 people. If you are thinking of living in an independent country with a very low unemployment rate, go to San Marino before it gets overpopulated.

Where Is It On The Map?

San Marino is in Europe. Precisely, it’s in the neighborhood of Italy. Both places are pretty cool for travel and tourism; you won’t regret going there at all.

15. The Republic of Palau


Palau has a total population of over 20,000 people. People call it heaven on earth despite of its small area of 450 Sq. Km. The Republic is famous for its food, sights and beautiful women.

Where Is It On The Map?


Somewhere in the remote recesses of the Pacific Ocean.

14. Niue – Total Area: 261. Sq. Km


Niue is perhaps the largest countries as compared to the Republic of Molossia and The Principality of Hutt River. With a total landmass area of 261 Sq. Km, Niue boasts of over 1,000 people, its own airport and a supermarket.

Where Is It On The Map?


See that red square down there in the above photograph? Look harder! Yes, that’s Niue.

13 & 12. The Principality of Seborga and Sealand

What’s with all the principality countries these days? It looks like a bunch of people teamed up to form two separate fully functional independent counties.


Seborga is protected by a total of 3 people serving in the Seborga Army. One of them is a Minister of Defense, while the remaining two gentlemen are active duty border guards.


Meanwhile, the Principality of Sealand is even smaller than all three Principality Micronations combined. The latter has a total coverage area of 0.004 Sq. Km. They have their own website. You can purchase your title of Noble, Duke or whatever from the Sealand online portal.

Where Is It On World Map?


Considering the small area, why don’t both of these countries patch up and join hands as one?

11. The Principality of Hutt River 


‘The Principality of Hutt River’ is a small nation located somewhere in Australia. A lot of people are oblivious to the existence of this “nation” for obvious reasons. However, they have still managed to get by with legalized stamps, passports and their own currency system!

Where Is It On The Map?


Looks could be deceiving. The Hutt River’s area is extremely zoomed in to

If you think the above photograph sums it all up when it comes to the list of smallest countries, you’ll be amazed to find out what lies ahead in the next image.

10. The Republic of Molossia


Talk about the total number of population falling to a whopping 7 people. Yes, that’s true and you can even Google the results. Molossia, according to last known statistics had a record of 40 people in May 2017.

It is an independent country within a country (USA – Nevada), with a “staggering area” of 0.055 Sq. Kilometers. Half of the Molossian people are the founder’s own friends and family members.

Where Is It On The Map?


It’s inside the U.S. Just a bunch of people decided to make their own nation. Fun, isn’t it?

9. Nauru – Another Small Island State with Most Obese People!

The people of Nauru are so obese that their weight issue has raised an alarming bell at worldwide medical centers.


However, these folks are laid back, and have a long life factor going on. Thanks to the natural and 100% pure crop yield, this Island State is thriving in the beauty of most remote areas on planet earth.

Where Is It On The Map?


8. Malta – 316 Sq. Km

Malta is one of the most beautiful countries in the world. Despite of its small size, it is visited by hundreds of tourists throughout the year.


The country gained independence in 1964, and has since enjoyed the privileges of being a separate nation. Wait, there’s more. Find out why Maldives is recognized the smallest and the lowest country in the world???

Where Is It On The Map?


Just a small blip, but it sure is a heaven for tourists.

7. Maldives: The Country with Lowest of the Low Altitude


Maldives is technically a chain of over 1,000 breathtaking islands. However, only 200 of these islands are inhabited by Maldivians. Some of these islands are only 1.5 meters above sea level. You think that’s scary? Ask the lively folks who are living their lives on these islands without a shadow of fear.

Where Is It On The Map?


If you ever get to sail across the great Indian Ocean, and if you are lucky, you will stumble upon Maldives eventually. Otherwise, you can take a chartered plane too.

6. Saint. Kitts and Nevis – 260 Sq. Km


The country of Saint Kitts made our list when we heard that the entire region is practically two islands combined by a mass of land. They allow anyone to “buy” a citizenship status if that person has approx. $250,000 to spend.

Where Is It On The Map?


Down the Atlantic Ocean and a little above the Caribbean Sea belt.

5. The Republic of Tuvalu


With a little more than 10,000 inhabitants spread over 26 Sq. Km, Tuvalu people enjoy the status of being in a globally recognized country. Tuvalu is one of the poorest countries in the world, but somehow they managed to invest in a .Tv internet domain, which rakes in feasible amount of profit to help support the economic system.

Where Is It On The Map?


4. Grenada – 344 Sq. Km: The Country Island of Spices


Grenada is one of the largest producers of nutmegs and a whole range of other spices. The entire region is basically an Island, but it is recognized as a separate nation/ country. Thanks to all the export, the people of Grenada enjoy living in an economically stable country.

Where Is It On The Map?


Grenada is a popular desitnation among tourists. Rest assured, you won’t get lost while trying to find your way up there.

3. Liechtenstein – 160 Sq. Km

Liechtenstein is a small German speaking country but it is not a part of Germany. Surprising, isn’t it? The locals boast of living in the richest country in the world. They have the lowest unemployment rate and Liechtenstein itself is ruled over by a Prince.


Where Is It On The Map?


The next country is our personal favorite. We’ll give you a hint: “peace” and “tranquility.

2. Monaco – 2 Sq. Km Country With Largest Number of Millionaires


For a small country with an area of 2 Sq. Kilometers, one would expect a downtrodden economy, and poor standard of life. However, Monaco boasts of having the largest number of millionaires and billionaires. The country is also famous for hosting Formula 1 races.

Where Is It On The Map?


If you have enough money saved up for travel and tourism, you should definitely visit Monaco. It is a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

1. Vatican City


Vatican City is not only a country, but also a “city” at the same time. It is recognized as the holiest places on earth due to the St. Peter’s Basilica – The Largest Catholic Church in the world. Vatican City has a population of approx. 850 and has is headed by the Bishop of Rome.

Where Is It On The Map?


Each year, this country is visited by millions of outsiders who love to tour the Sistine Chapel, the Church and other vacation resorts at their own peril.

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