
Don’t overcomplicate your finances: you don’t need a degree for asset management. Just because we’re talking about tedious topics like loans, insurance and banking, doesn’t mean you need to rely on expensive business services to do it for you. Similarly, you need to be prudent and not rely on solutions like payday loans or other such quick-fix cash services. Here are 4 simple ways to keep your finances in order at all times.

4. Create A Financial Goal

Imagine if you didn’t have to work a single day in your life. You had all 24 hours in the day for yourself at all times. How would you spend that time without any goal or purpose? Most likely it would all be wasted doing nothing valuable. Like the popular saying goes – time is money, and the analogy works here as well. Without a goal, you are destined to spend your money unwisely.

The main step for getting your finances in order is to have a financial goal or a purpose. What goal you choose is highly subjective. It can be as simple as saving $500 every month and putting it on the side. It could also be a more tangible and exciting goal like saving for a trip or an investment. Whatever it is, your financial goal is what will motivate you to manage your finances properly instead of letting them descend into chaos. But how do you do that exactly? Let’s find out.


3. Get A Notebook

There are only two things you need to become a money-making and money-saving machine – a pen and a notebook. In order to reach your financial goals you need to calculate your income and expenses. Once you’ve got that valuable information in front of you, you can play with it and tailor it to serve your needs. Perhaps you’re spending too much time on entertainment or eating out. Or perhaps you have a tendency to increase your pile of unread books every month.

Whatever the case may be, the strategy is the same – determine how much money you will spend on a daily, weekly and monthly basis and cut down on the irrational expenses in order to reach your financial goal. If you think that this method is too simple to work, don’t take my word for it.

John D. Rockefeller is a prime example of someone who used the notebook method all his life. Even when he became a multi-bilionaire, he was still writing down his daily and monthly expenditure in his little black notebook that served him so well over the years.

2. Refrain From Borrowing Money

If you watched Game of Thrones, you’re probably familiar with the saying: “A Lannister always pays his debts.” But we live in truly unpredictable times. And you’re not a Lannister. In times of chaotic changes, borrowing money is not a viable longterm strategy.

That doesn’t mean you have to live like a monk for the rest of your days. Remember the first step we talked about – establishing your financial goal(s)? Well, the expensive car or apartment you’re willing to go in debt for are exactly that – a perfectly fine financial goal. But instead of saving up and buying the d*** thing later, you decide to burden yourself with stress and anxiety to get that shiny object this very moment.

Time is money. In the same breath, patience is money as well. If you borrow money all the time to reach the destination faster, the financial equilibrium you equally desire becomes impossible to reach.

1. Pay Your Bills ASAP

Pilling up bills is an easy way to make life harder, so here are a few practical tips you can start implementing today. If you wait a week or two with your payments, you’ll also slack off with your notes on monthly expenditure, and that makes organizing budget and noting down progress harder than it should be. Instead, try to pay your bills the same day you receive them. This is especially simple if your bills arrive electronically. Having a checklist for bills can also be helpful in keeping track and getting the job done faster.



Getting your finances in order doesn’t have to be overly complicated. It boils down to having a realistic and proven financial philosophy that allows you to earn, spend and invest wisely. By implementing these tips in your own life, you’ll be way ahead of your peers in a few years time, both financially and by owning a truly priceless commodity – a healthy peace of mind.

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