Today, the sky looks a little different than it did back in the day when people started to analyze the stars for the first time. The zodiac signs are still the same though, although astrologers discovered a lot of new stuff. If you’re the kind of person who is passionate about astrology, then you will love to find out which zodiac signs are the kindest, lovely and romantic.

There are 12 signs in total and sometimes it’s impossible to tell which one is a better lover because it depends also on the person, the couple as a whole and of course, the circumstances. But some characteristics are interesting to observe. Check them out!

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The 12 signs of the zodiac are divided in 4 groups: the fire signs (Aries, Lion, Sagittarius), the water signs (Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio), the air signs (Libra, Gemini, Aquarius) and the earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn).

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Even though you may thing that they are flexible, you might be surprise to find out that they are not. Aries are very fastidious about the person they are dating, he or she musts meet some criteria the they believe to be important.

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Aries are very friendly and because of that, they get very close to their partners in a very short period of time. They fall in love quickly and they love without  any restraints.

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Taurus is a very stable sign. These people are also very romantic and emotional. When they fall in love they dedicate everything to the chosen one.

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There is a thing about Taurus, they tend to become too possessive in the relationship and they want to control entirely the other person’s life.

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Gemini, they like to play with people and flirting is in their nature. When you are dating a Gemini, remember that communication and dynamism are very important to them.

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Even though at the beginning of the relationship the Gemini looks superficial, he’s not. All they want is to be understood by the other person.

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Cancer is the most devoted sign in the zodiac. They are tender lovers and they use their imagination in order to impress the one that they love.

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When Cancers are in a stable and serious relationship, they give everything, even if it’s more than they receive from the other.

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In love, Leos are funny and enthusiastic people. Their love is intense and try to awake the same feeling in the person next to them.

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Leos are confident in life and love and they don’t hesitate to show their feelings and emotions to others and to the one they chose to be their partner.

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Virgos, are stable and loyal partners, all they are looking for in love is a stable and healthy relationship.

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It is not in a Virgo’s nature to play with people’s feelings and when they love someone they usually give everything.

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Libras may appear distant in love because of their romantic and dreamy nature, but this is not completely true.

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Libras hate being single and they are always looking for the perfect partner. In love they are not searching for a romantic partner, but also a best friend.

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Scorpios are true romantics and they have a very unique and complex view concerning love.

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When it comes to love, Scorpios are passionate and sensual partners. They reveal his true feelings only in intimacy, and only if he feels that they are shared.

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In love like in life, the Sagittarius is a free bird that enjoys the diversity of the sky. He doesn’t like to establish limitations and he lives by his own rules.

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It is impossible not to be happy with a Sagittarius because they are happy and loving people. But if there is a thing that he hates, that’s jealousy.

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Capricorns are very conservative and responsible when it comes to love. This native sign will never madly fall in love because it is not in his nature.

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Capricorns are very difficult to approach when it comes to love and dating, so you need to be patient with them because the idea of love scares them.

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The Aquarius is an unconventional person and he brings that feature in his love life. He is a sincere and talkative lover and he hates any type of constraints.

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The Aquarius is not very good at expressing his feelings but by talking to him you can make him open up and create an intellectual relation that he will surely appreciate.

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The last sign in the zodiac, Pisces, are dreamy and sentimental lovers and they tend to fall in love with the wrong person.

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In a relationship, Pisces they give all the attention to the partner and their ideal in love is to grow together with the one he chooses.

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