Feeling a little demotivated on the career front? Look no further, because these 25 remarkable quotes by extraordinary business men and women, are about to change that.

It’s important to stay motivated and optimistic when it comes to the career part of our lives and what better way to do so than take a few tips from the greatest entrepreneurs themselves. Whether you are a student, just got your first promotion or a CEO, these quotes can definitely leave you feeling inspired.

Katrina Lake – “Don’t Be Afraid Of Competition…”

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“Don’t be afraid of competition. People always say ‘other people are doing it’. The world is changing so fast, there is room for lots of players to innovate in different ways. Competition validates the market and isn’t a bad thing.”


Feeling a little demotivated on the career front? Look no further, because these 25 remarkable quotes by extraordinary business men and women, are about to change that.

It’s important to stay motivated and optimistic when it comes to the career part of our lives and what better way to do so than take a few tips from the greatest entrepreneurs themselves. Whether you are a student, just got your first promotion or a CEO, these quotes can definitely leave you feeling inspired.

Meg Whitman –  “Do What You Love…”

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“Do what you love and success will follow. Passion is the fuel behind a successful career.”

Feeling a little demotivated on the career front? Look no further, because these 25 remarkable quotes by extraordinary business men and women, are about to change that.

It’s important to stay motivated and optimistic when it comes to the career part of our lives and what better way to do so than take a few tips from the greatest entrepreneurs themselves. Whether you are a student, just got your first promotion or a CEO, these quotes can definitely leave you feeling inspired.

Oprah Winfrey – ” The Big Secret In Life Is…”

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“The big secret in life is that there is no big secret. Whatever your goal, you can get there if you’re willing to work.”

Feeling a little demotivated on the career front? Look no further, because these 25 remarkable quotes by extraordinary business men and women, are about to change that.

It’s important to stay motivated and optimistic when it comes to the career part of our lives and what better way to do so than take a few tips from the greatest entrepreneurs themselves. Whether you are a student, just got your first promotion or a CEO, these quotes can definitely leave you feeling inspired.

Barbara Corcoran – “Don’t Underestimate The Power Of…”

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“Don’t you dare underestimate the power of your own instinct.”

Feeling a little demotivated on the career front? Look no further, because these 25 remarkable quotes by extraordinary business men and women, are about to change that.

It’s important to stay motivated and optimistic when it comes to the career part of our lives and what better way to do so than take a few tips from the greatest entrepreneurs themselves. Whether you are a student, just got your first promotion or a CEO, these quotes can definitely leave you feeling inspired.

Paul Gillin – “Think Like A Customer.”

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“Think like a customer.”

Feeling a little demotivated on the career front? Look no further, because these 25 remarkable quotes by extraordinary business men and women, are about to change that.

It’s important to stay motivated and optimistic when it comes to the career part of our lives and what better way to do so than take a few tips from the greatest entrepreneurs themselves. Whether you are a student, just got your first promotion or a CEO, these quotes can definitely leave you feeling inspired.

Tom Peters – “Leaders Don’t Create Followers.” 

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“Leaders don’t create followers. They create more leaders.”


Feeling a little demotivated on the career front? Look no further, because these 25 remarkable quotes by extraordinary business men and women, are about to change that.

It’s important to stay motivated and optimistic when it comes to the career part of our lives and what better way to do so than take a few tips from the greatest entrepreneurs themselves. Whether you are a student, just got your first promotion or a CEO, these quotes can definitely leave you feeling inspired.

Thomas Edison – “There’s A Way To Do It Better…”

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“There’s a way to do it better – find it.”

Feeling a little demotivated on the career front? Look no further, because these 25 remarkable quotes by extraordinary business men and women, are about to change that.

It’s important to stay motivated and optimistic when it comes to the career part of our lives and what better way to do so than take a few tips from the greatest entrepreneurs themselves. Whether you are a student, just got your first promotion or a CEO, these quotes can definitely leave you feeling inspired.

Andrew Carneige – “No Man Will Make A Great Leader Who…”

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“No man will make a great leader who wants to do it all himself or get all the credit for doing it.”

Feeling a little demotivated on the career front? Look no further, because these 25 remarkable quotes by extraordinary business men and women, are about to change that.

It’s important to stay motivated and optimistic when it comes to the career part of our lives and what better way to do so than take a few tips from the greatest entrepreneurs themselves. Whether you are a student, just got your first promotion or a CEO, these quotes can definitely leave you feeling inspired.

Elon Musk – “When Something Is Important Enough…”

Media Source

“When something is important enough, you do it even if the odds are not in your favor.”

Feeling a little demotivated on the career front? Look no further, because these 25 remarkable quotes by extraordinary business men and women, are about to change that.

It’s important to stay motivated and optimistic when it comes to the career part of our lives and what better way to do so than take a few tips from the greatest entrepreneurs themselves. Whether you are a student, just got your first promotion or a CEO, these quotes can definitely leave you feeling inspired.

J. K. Rowling  – “It Is Impossible To Live Without…”

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“It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all, in which case you have failed by default.”

Feeling a little demotivated on the career front? Look no further, because these 25 remarkable quotes by extraordinary business men and women, are about to change that.

It’s important to stay motivated and optimistic when it comes to the career part of our lives and what better way to do so than take a few tips from the greatest entrepreneurs themselves. Whether you are a student, just got your first promotion or a CEO, these quotes can definitely leave you feeling inspired.

Coco Chanel – “Success Is Often Achieved By…”

Media Source

“Success if often achieved by those who don’t know that failure is inevitable.”

Feeling a little demotivated on the career front? Look no further, because these 25 remarkable quotes by extraordinary business men and women, are about to change that.

It’s important to stay motivated and optimistic when it comes to the career part of our lives and what better way to do so than take a few tips from the greatest entrepreneurs themselves. Whether you are a student, just got your first promotion or a CEO, these quotes can definitely leave you feeling inspired.

Steve Wynn – “Other People’s Successes Are…”

Media Source

“Other people’s successes are good news-for them and for you. Good for you because they show you a way to go.”

Feeling a little demotivated on the career front? Look no further, because these 25 remarkable quotes by extraordinary business men and women, are about to change that.

It’s important to stay motivated and optimistic when it comes to the career part of our lives and what better way to do so than take a few tips from the greatest entrepreneurs themselves. Whether you are a student, just got your first promotion or a CEO, these quotes can definitely leave you feeling inspired.

Brian Chesky – “You Gotta Build A Team That Is…”

Media Source

“You gotta build a team that is so talented that they almost make you slightly uncomfortable… because they know by being with them you’re going to have to raise your game to be with them.”

Feeling a little demotivated on the career front? Look no further, because these 25 remarkable quotes by extraordinary business men and women, are about to change that.

It’s important to stay motivated and optimistic when it comes to the career part of our lives and what better way to do so than take a few tips from the greatest entrepreneurs themselves. Whether you are a student, just got your first promotion or a CEO, these quotes can definitely leave you feeling inspired.

Lily Tomlin- “The Road To Success Is…”


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“The road to success is always under construction.”

Feeling a little demotivated on the career front? Look no further, because these 25 remarkable quotes by extraordinary business men and women, are about to change that.

It’s important to stay motivated and optimistic when it comes to the career part of our lives and what better way to do so than take a few tips from the greatest entrepreneurs themselves. Whether you are a student, just got your first promotion or a CEO, these quotes can definitely leave you feeling inspired.

Mark Zuckerberg – “If You Just Work On Stuff That You…”

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“If you just work on stuff that you like and you’re passionate about, you don’t have to have a master plan with how things will play out.”

Feeling a little demotivated on the career front? Look no further, because these 25 remarkable quotes by extraordinary business men and women, are about to change that.

It’s important to stay motivated and optimistic when it comes to the career part of our lives and what better way to do so than take a few tips from the greatest entrepreneurs themselves. Whether you are a student, just got your first promotion or a CEO, these quotes can definitely leave you feeling inspired.

Grant Cardone – “Rich People Don’t…”

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“Rich people don’t get rich by accident and poor people don’t stay poor by accident – both take effort both are work.”

Feeling a little demotivated on the career front? Look no further, because these 25 remarkable quotes by extraordinary business men and women, are about to change that.

It’s important to stay motivated and optimistic when it comes to the career part of our lives and what better way to do so than take a few tips from the greatest entrepreneurs themselves. Whether you are a student, just got your first promotion or a CEO, these quotes can definitely leave you feeling inspired.

Tony Robbins – “If You Do What You’ve Always Done…”

Media Source

“If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get hat you’ve always gotten.”


Feeling a little demotivated on the career front? Look no further, because these 25 remarkable quotes by extraordinary business men and women, are about to change that.

It’s important to stay motivated and optimistic when it comes to the career part of our lives and what better way to do so than take a few tips from the greatest entrepreneurs themselves. Whether you are a student, just got your first promotion or a CEO, these quotes can definitely leave you feeling inspired.

Kathy Ireland – “In Business It’s About…”

Media Source

“In business it’s about people. It’s about relationships.”

Feeling a little demotivated on the career front? Look no further, because these 25 remarkable quotes by extraordinary business men and women, are about to change that.

It’s important to stay motivated and optimistic when it comes to the career part of our lives and what better way to do so than take a few tips from the greatest entrepreneurs themselves. Whether you are a student, just got your first promotion or a CEO, these quotes can definitely leave you feeling inspired.

Seth Godin – “People Don’t Buy…”

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“People don’t buy good and services. They buy relations, stories and magic.”

Feeling a little demotivated on the career front? Look no further, because these 25 remarkable quotes by extraordinary business men and women, are about to change that.

It’s important to stay motivated and optimistic when it comes to the career part of our lives and what better way to do so than take a few tips from the greatest entrepreneurs themselves. Whether you are a student, just got your first promotion or a CEO, these quotes can definitely leave you feeling inspired.

Henry Ford – “You Can’t Build A Reputation…”

Media Source

“You can’t build a reputation on what you are going to do.”

Feeling a little demotivated on the career front? Look no further, because these 25 remarkable quotes by extraordinary business men and women, are about to change that.

It’s important to stay motivated and optimistic when it comes to the career part of our lives and what better way to do so than take a few tips from the greatest entrepreneurs themselves. Whether you are a student, just got your first promotion or a CEO, these quotes can definitely leave you feeling inspired.

Bill gates – “You’re Most Unhappy Customers Are…”

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“Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning.”

Feeling a little demotivated on the career front? Look no further, because these 25 remarkable quotes by extraordinary business men and women, are about to change that.

It’s important to stay motivated and optimistic when it comes to the career part of our lives and what better way to do so than take a few tips from the greatest entrepreneurs themselves. Whether you are a student, just got your first promotion or a CEO, these quotes can definitely leave you feeling inspired.

Warren Buffet – “Someone Is Sitting In…”

Media Source

“Someone is sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago.”

Feeling a little demotivated on the career front? Look no further, because these 25 remarkable quotes by extraordinary business men and women, are about to change that.

It’s important to stay motivated and optimistic when it comes to the career part of our lives and what better way to do so than take a few tips from the greatest entrepreneurs themselves. Whether you are a student, just got your first promotion or a CEO, these quotes can definitely leave you feeling inspired.

Richard Branson – “You Don’t Learn To…”

Media Source

“You don’t learn to walk by following rules. You learn by doing and falling over. “

Feeling a little demotivated on the career front? Look no further, because these 25 remarkable quotes by extraordinary business men and women, are about to change that.

It’s important to stay motivated and optimistic when it comes to the career part of our lives and what better way to do so than take a few tips from the greatest entrepreneurs themselves. Whether you are a student, just got your first promotion or a CEO, these quotes can definitely leave you feeling inspired.

Tony Burch – “We Have A Long Term…”

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“We have a long term vision. It’s not as if everything came so easy. Its been years of successes – and sometimes not.”

Feeling a little demotivated on the career front? Look no further, because these 25 remarkable quotes by extraordinary business men and women, are about to change that.

It’s important to stay motivated and optimistic when it comes to the career part of our lives and what better way to do so than take a few tips from the greatest entrepreneurs themselves. Whether you are a student, just got your first promotion or a CEO, these quotes can definitely leave you feeling inspired.

Walt Disney – “First, think. Second…”

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“First, think. Second, believe. Third, dream. And finally, dare.”


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