People tend to have very strong feeling about police officers and the force in general. It can be difficult not to see them as scary, aggressive individuals out to get you for any little thing. However, it’s important to remember that underneath the uniform and badge are men and woman who have thoughts and feelings, too. The following are 25 confessions from police officers that were submitted on an anonymous platform. Take a look at them and maybe your opinion of the police might change.

Designated Driver


Media Source

“I’m a police officer and if I see a drunk person walking home from a bar, I’ll give them a lift home instead of a ticket cause they made a better decision not to drink and drive.”

People tend to have very strong feeling about police officers and the force in general. It can be difficult not to see them as scary, aggressive individuals out to get you for any little thing. However, it’s important to remember that underneath the uniform and badge are men and woman who have thoughts and feelings, too. The following are 25 confessions from police officers that were submitted on an anonymous platform. Take a look at them and maybe your opinion of the police might change.

Easily Bribed


Media Source

“I’m a police officer and I took a bribe the other day. A five year old kid who was in the car I pulled over offered me a Tootsie Roll for a warning. I accepted. I am now officially a crooked cop.”

People tend to have very strong feeling about police officers and the force in general. It can be difficult not to see them as scary, aggressive individuals out to get you for any little thing. However, it’s important to remember that underneath the uniform and badge are men and woman who have thoughts and feelings, too. The following are 25 confessions from police officers that were submitted on an anonymous platform. Take a look at them and maybe your opinion of the police might change.

I See No Color


Media Source

“I’m a white police officer. I often get called racist or asked why I kill black people just because of my job. It hurts because I grew up with a black foster family who looked after me and who I love.”

People tend to have very strong feeling about police officers and the force in general. It can be difficult not to see them as scary, aggressive individuals out to get you for any little thing. However, it’s important to remember that underneath the uniform and badge are men and woman who have thoughts and feelings, too. The following are 25 confessions from police officers that were submitted on an anonymous platform. Take a look at them and maybe your opinion of the police might change.

Play Time on Duty


Media Source

“I’m a cop and at least once a week I use my siren just for fun.”

People tend to have very strong feeling about police officers and the force in general. It can be difficult not to see them as scary, aggressive individuals out to get you for any little thing. However, it’s important to remember that underneath the uniform and badge are men and woman who have thoughts and feelings, too. The following are 25 confessions from police officers that were submitted on an anonymous platform. Take a look at them and maybe your opinion of the police might change.

A Few Bad Eggs Doesn’t Spoil the Lot


Media Source

“As a police officer, I apologize for the shameful behavior of some of the pieces of **** that wear the same uniform. Please do not judge the rest of us based on their actions.”

People tend to have very strong feeling about police officers and the force in general. It can be difficult not to see them as scary, aggressive individuals out to get you for any little thing. However, it’s important to remember that underneath the uniform and badge are men and woman who have thoughts and feelings, too. The following are 25 confessions from police officers that were submitted on an anonymous platform. Take a look at them and maybe your opinion of the police might change.

Scare Tactics


Media Source

“I am a police officer and every time I go to the ghetto I turn on my siren just to see who is going to run. And if they do, that’s when the chase begins.”

People tend to have very strong feeling about police officers and the force in general. It can be difficult not to see them as scary, aggressive individuals out to get you for any little thing. However, it’s important to remember that underneath the uniform and badge are men and woman who have thoughts and feelings, too. The following are 25 confessions from police officers that were submitted on an anonymous platform. Take a look at them and maybe your opinion of the police might change.


Police are People, Too


Media Source

“I’m a police officer. I can’t count how many times I’ve laid in bed at night with tears over calls I’ve been on. Over brothers I’ve lost. Just because I wear a badge doesn’t mean I don’t have a heart.”

People tend to have very strong feeling about police officers and the force in general. It can be difficult not to see them as scary, aggressive individuals out to get you for any little thing. However, it’s important to remember that underneath the uniform and badge are men and woman who have thoughts and feelings, too. The following are 25 confessions from police officers that were submitted on an anonymous platform. Take a look at them and maybe your opinion of the police might change.

Special Treatment


Media Source

“I’m a cop and I refuse to write people old enough to be my grandparents tickets. They’ve paid their dues in life already!”

People tend to have very strong feeling about police officers and the force in general. It can be difficult not to see them as scary, aggressive individuals out to get you for any little thing. However, it’s important to remember that underneath the uniform and badge are men and woman who have thoughts and feelings, too. The following are 25 confessions from police officers that were submitted on an anonymous platform. Take a look at them and maybe your opinion of the police might change.

Enforce the Law, Follow the Law


Media Source

“As a cop, I pulled over a police officer in his car for going 90 in a 60, passing at an intersection and passing in a no-passing zone. If we enforce the law, we have to enforce it on everyone.”

People tend to have very strong feeling about police officers and the force in general. It can be difficult not to see them as scary, aggressive individuals out to get you for any little thing. However, it’s important to remember that underneath the uniform and badge are men and woman who have thoughts and feelings, too. The following are 25 confessions from police officers that were submitted on an anonymous platform. Take a look at them and maybe your opinion of the police might change.

Wannabe Speed Racers


Media Source

“I’m a police officer and on graveyard when there is limited cars on the road, my partners and I race our patrol cars!”

People tend to have very strong feeling about police officers and the force in general. It can be difficult not to see them as scary, aggressive individuals out to get you for any little thing. However, it’s important to remember that underneath the uniform and badge are men and woman who have thoughts and feelings, too. The following are 25 confessions from police officers that were submitted on an anonymous platform. Take a look at them and maybe your opinion of the police might change.

Internal Conflict


Media Source

“I’m a police officer. I shot someone today. I’ve never felt more conflicted inside in my entire life. He would’ve killed me if I didn’t; but he’s dead and it’s my fault.”

People tend to have very strong feeling about police officers and the force in general. It can be difficult not to see them as scary, aggressive individuals out to get you for any little thing. However, it’s important to remember that underneath the uniform and badge are men and woman who have thoughts and feelings, too. The following are 25 confessions from police officers that were submitted on an anonymous platform. Take a look at them and maybe your opinion of the police might change.

Spontaneously Saving Lives


Media Source

“I’m a police officer, today I pulled over a DUI suspect, instead he was having a heart attack. After doing CPR, he’s in the hospital and going to survive. This is why I love my job.”

People tend to have very strong feeling about police officers and the force in general. It can be difficult not to see them as scary, aggressive individuals out to get you for any little thing. However, it’s important to remember that underneath the uniform and badge are men and woman who have thoughts and feelings, too. The following are 25 confessions from police officers that were submitted on an anonymous platform. Take a look at them and maybe your opinion of the police might change.

Girls Can Do it Too


Media Source

“My mom thinks I’m going to school to be a nurse, but I’m secretly taking law enforcement classes to become a police officer. I’m a girl.”

People tend to have very strong feeling about police officers and the force in general. It can be difficult not to see them as scary, aggressive individuals out to get you for any little thing. However, it’s important to remember that underneath the uniform and badge are men and woman who have thoughts and feelings, too. The following are 25 confessions from police officers that were submitted on an anonymous platform. Take a look at them and maybe your opinion of the police might change.

Just Be Honest


Media Source

“When people ask why I became a police officer I say it’s because I want to serve and protect. The truth is, I like driving really really fast.”

People tend to have very strong feeling about police officers and the force in general. It can be difficult not to see them as scary, aggressive individuals out to get you for any little thing. However, it’s important to remember that underneath the uniform and badge are men and woman who have thoughts and feelings, too. The following are 25 confessions from police officers that were submitted on an anonymous platform. Take a look at them and maybe your opinion of the police might change.

Extracurricular Activities


Media Source

“I’m a police officer and one day I want to use my handcuffs in bed.”

People tend to have very strong feeling about police officers and the force in general. It can be difficult not to see them as scary, aggressive individuals out to get you for any little thing. However, it’s important to remember that underneath the uniform and badge are men and woman who have thoughts and feelings, too. The following are 25 confessions from police officers that were submitted on an anonymous platform. Take a look at them and maybe your opinion of the police might change.

Reaping the Benefits


Media Source

“My first time as police officer today, I pulled over a citizen in a Ferrari, and I gave him a speeding ticket. It felt so good.”

People tend to have very strong feeling about police officers and the force in general. It can be difficult not to see them as scary, aggressive individuals out to get you for any little thing. However, it’s important to remember that underneath the uniform and badge are men and woman who have thoughts and feelings, too. The following are 25 confessions from police officers that were submitted on an anonymous platform. Take a look at them and maybe your opinion of the police might change.

Relationship Woes


Media Source

“Sometimes I think being a police officer scares girls away.”

People tend to have very strong feeling about police officers and the force in general. It can be difficult not to see them as scary, aggressive individuals out to get you for any little thing. However, it’s important to remember that underneath the uniform and badge are men and woman who have thoughts and feelings, too. The following are 25 confessions from police officers that were submitted on an anonymous platform. Take a look at them and maybe your opinion of the police might change.

Not Living Up to Expectations

Media Source

“I wanted nothing more than to be a police officer when I was little. Now I am one, and I’d do anything to quit.”

People tend to have very strong feeling about police officers and the force in general. It can be difficult not to see them as scary, aggressive individuals out to get you for any little thing. However, it’s important to remember that underneath the uniform and badge are men and woman who have thoughts and feelings, too. The following are 25 confessions from police officers that were submitted on an anonymous platform. Take a look at them and maybe your opinion of the police might change.

Respect Deserves Respect


Media Source

“I am a cop and I don’t care who you are or what you do, if you treat me with respect I will treat you with equal respect.”

People tend to have very strong feeling about police officers and the force in general. It can be difficult not to see them as scary, aggressive individuals out to get you for any little thing. However, it’s important to remember that underneath the uniform and badge are men and woman who have thoughts and feelings, too. The following are 25 confessions from police officers that were submitted on an anonymous platform. Take a look at them and maybe your opinion of the police might change.

That’s the Holiday Spirit


Media Source

“I’m a cop. I don’t write write tickets on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day.”

People tend to have very strong feeling about police officers and the force in general. It can be difficult not to see them as scary, aggressive individuals out to get you for any little thing. However, it’s important to remember that underneath the uniform and badge are men and woman who have thoughts and feelings, too. The following are 25 confessions from police officers that were submitted on an anonymous platform. Take a look at them and maybe your opinion of the police might change.

Inaccurate Conditioning


Media Source

“I’m a cop and I hate it when parents point at me and tell their kids, ‘be good or he’ll take you to jail.’ No wonder people grow up to hate us.”

People tend to have very strong feeling about police officers and the force in general. It can be difficult not to see them as scary, aggressive individuals out to get you for any little thing. However, it’s important to remember that underneath the uniform and badge are men and woman who have thoughts and feelings, too. The following are 25 confessions from police officers that were submitted on an anonymous platform. Take a look at them and maybe your opinion of the police might change.

Tunes Save Lives


Media Source

“My secret: I’m a cop and won’t pull people over if they are blasting good music.”

People tend to have very strong feeling about police officers and the force in general. It can be difficult not to see them as scary, aggressive individuals out to get you for any little thing. However, it’s important to remember that underneath the uniform and badge are men and woman who have thoughts and feelings, too. The following are 25 confessions from police officers that were submitted on an anonymous platform. Take a look at them and maybe your opinion of the police might change.

You Only Live Once


Media Source

“I’m a cop and I feel guilty every time I break up a house party. I had fun when I was younger, why can’t they?”

People tend to have very strong feeling about police officers and the force in general. It can be difficult not to see them as scary, aggressive individuals out to get you for any little thing. However, it’s important to remember that underneath the uniform and badge are men and woman who have thoughts and feelings, too. The following are 25 confessions from police officers that were submitted on an anonymous platform. Take a look at them and maybe your opinion of the police might change.

They Need to Eat, Too


Media Source

“As a police officer, I hate when I’m getting lunch and people say ‘Shouldn’t you be fighting crime instead of sitting down?’ Like, I’m only human. I don’t have crime senses and I do need to eat.”

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