When you hear the word “etiquette” you probably think of balancing books on your head and learning how to eat soup the correct way. While those are both things that can be taught through etiquette, there are also a bunch of other every day tasks that have etiquette rules. Some of them you may have heard of and others may be completely foreign to you. Take a look at the list below and see if you’ve ever broken any of these common etiquette rules.

Getting Into a Car

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The correct way to get into a car is by sitting down on the seat first and then swinging your legs in. This avoids unwanted flashes and head banging off the roof.

When you hear the word “etiquette” you probably think of balancing books on your head and learning how to eat soup the correct way. While those are both things that can be taught through etiquette, there are also a bunch of other every day tasks that have etiquette rules. Some of them you may have heard of and others may be completely foreign to you. Take a look at the list below and see if you’ve ever broken any of these common etiquette rules.

The Correct Way to Clap


Media Source

Never clap in front of your face or anyone else’s. Instead, place your hands in front of your chest and slightly to the left.

When you hear the word “etiquette” you probably think of balancing books on your head and learning how to eat soup the correct way. While those are both things that can be taught through etiquette, there are also a bunch of other every day tasks that have etiquette rules. Some of them you may have heard of and others may be completely foreign to you. Take a look at the list below and see if you’ve ever broken any of these common etiquette rules.

Scraping Butter


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Apparently, it’s improper to spread butter on your bread straight from the tub. You’re actually supposed to take a scoop, put it on your plate and then spread from your plate to the bread.

When you hear the word “etiquette” you probably think of balancing books on your head and learning how to eat soup the correct way. While those are both things that can be taught through etiquette, there are also a bunch of other every day tasks that have etiquette rules. Some of them you may have heard of and others may be completely foreign to you. Take a look at the list below and see if you’ve ever broken any of these common etiquette rules.

Pointing Your Finger



Media Source

If you ever need to point at something, make sure you do it with an open hand.

When you hear the word “etiquette” you probably think of balancing books on your head and learning how to eat soup the correct way. While those are both things that can be taught through etiquette, there are also a bunch of other every day tasks that have etiquette rules. Some of them you may have heard of and others may be completely foreign to you. Take a look at the list below and see if you’ve ever broken any of these common etiquette rules.

Coughing into the Wrong Hand



Media Source

Your right hand is known as the “social hand,” or the hand that does the shaking and waving. If you have to cough, do it into your left hand.

When you hear the word “etiquette” you probably think of balancing books on your head and learning how to eat soup the correct way. While those are both things that can be taught through etiquette, there are also a bunch of other every day tasks that have etiquette rules. Some of them you may have heard of and others may be completely foreign to you. Take a look at the list below and see if you’ve ever broken any of these common etiquette rules.

Returning Empty Dishes


Media Source

If you borrow a dish off of someone, the correct way to return it is with some sort of treat, such as cookies or a casserole, inside.

When you hear the word “etiquette” you probably think of balancing books on your head and learning how to eat soup the correct way. While those are both things that can be taught through etiquette, there are also a bunch of other every day tasks that have etiquette rules. Some of them you may have heard of and others may be completely foreign to you. Take a look at the list below and see if you’ve ever broken any of these common etiquette rules.

Drinking Your Own Toast


Media Source

If someone makes a toast in your honor, don’t drink. Instead, do your own thank you toast.

When you hear the word “etiquette” you probably think of balancing books on your head and learning how to eat soup the correct way. While those are both things that can be taught through etiquette, there are also a bunch of other every day tasks that have etiquette rules. Some of them you may have heard of and others may be completely foreign to you. Take a look at the list below and see if you’ve ever broken any of these common etiquette rules.

Passing Salt without Pepper


Media Source

Even if someone only asks for one, you should always pass the salt and pepper together.

When you hear the word “etiquette” you probably think of balancing books on your head and learning how to eat soup the correct way. While those are both things that can be taught through etiquette, there are also a bunch of other every day tasks that have etiquette rules. Some of them you may have heard of and others may be completely foreign to you. Take a look at the list below and see if you’ve ever broken any of these common etiquette rules.

Eye Contact


Media Source

Make sure that you are making eye contact with the person you’re clinking glasses with during a toast.

When you hear the word “etiquette” you probably think of balancing books on your head and learning how to eat soup the correct way. While those are both things that can be taught through etiquette, there are also a bunch of other every day tasks that have etiquette rules. Some of them you may have heard of and others may be completely foreign to you. Take a look at the list below and see if you’ve ever broken any of these common etiquette rules.

Carrying Your Handbag on the Social Arm


Media Source

Again, your right hand/arm should remain free, so carry your purse on your left arm.

When you hear the word “etiquette” you probably think of balancing books on your head and learning how to eat soup the correct way. While those are both things that can be taught through etiquette, there are also a bunch of other every day tasks that have etiquette rules. Some of them you may have heard of and others may be completely foreign to you. Take a look at the list below and see if you’ve ever broken any of these common etiquette rules.

Congratulating the Bride


Media Source

At a wedding, you should only say “congratulations” to the groom as to not make it seem like you are insinuating that the bride wouldn’t have had any other suitors in her life. It’s an odd one, I know.

When you hear the word “etiquette” you probably think of balancing books on your head and learning how to eat soup the correct way. While those are both things that can be taught through etiquette, there are also a bunch of other every day tasks that have etiquette rules. Some of them you may have heard of and others may be completely foreign to you. Take a look at the list below and see if you’ve ever broken any of these common etiquette rules.

Sitting in Any Position




Media Source

The correct way for everyone to sit is simply with their legs placed together.

When you hear the word “etiquette” you probably think of balancing books on your head and learning how to eat soup the correct way. While those are both things that can be taught through etiquette, there are also a bunch of other every day tasks that have etiquette rules. Some of them you may have heard of and others may be completely foreign to you. Take a look at the list below and see if you’ve ever broken any of these common etiquette rules.

Splitting the Bill


Media Source

If you invite someone to dinner, then you should pay for them, as well.

When you hear the word “etiquette” you probably think of balancing books on your head and learning how to eat soup the correct way. While those are both things that can be taught through etiquette, there are also a bunch of other every day tasks that have etiquette rules. Some of them you may have heard of and others may be completely foreign to you. Take a look at the list below and see if you’ve ever broken any of these common etiquette rules.

Calling Someone by Their First Name


Media Source

If you are meeting someone for the first time, you should call them Ms. or Mr. followed by their last name.

When you hear the word “etiquette” you probably think of balancing books on your head and learning how to eat soup the correct way. While those are both things that can be taught through etiquette, there are also a bunch of other every day tasks that have etiquette rules. Some of them you may have heard of and others may be completely foreign to you. Take a look at the list below and see if you’ve ever broken any of these common etiquette rules.

I’m Going to the Bathroom


Media Source

If you need to go to the restroom while in the company of others, a simple “excuse me” is the best thing to say.

When you hear the word “etiquette” you probably think of balancing books on your head and learning how to eat soup the correct way. While those are both things that can be taught through etiquette, there are also a bunch of other every day tasks that have etiquette rules. Some of them you may have heard of and others may be completely foreign to you. Take a look at the list below and see if you’ve ever broken any of these common etiquette rules.

Being Late


Media Source

Turning up late to something can be forgiven if it’s a rare occurrence, but if you are constantly tardy it can be very rude.

When you hear the word “etiquette” you probably think of balancing books on your head and learning how to eat soup the correct way. While those are both things that can be taught through etiquette, there are also a bunch of other every day tasks that have etiquette rules. Some of them you may have heard of and others may be completely foreign to you. Take a look at the list below and see if you’ve ever broken any of these common etiquette rules.



Media Source

Listening to someone else’s conversation can be very tempting and quite easily done, but it is also an extremely rude thing to do.

When you hear the word “etiquette” you probably think of balancing books on your head and learning how to eat soup the correct way. While those are both things that can be taught through etiquette, there are also a bunch of other every day tasks that have etiquette rules. Some of them you may have heard of and others may be completely foreign to you. Take a look at the list below and see if you’ve ever broken any of these common etiquette rules.

Introducing Acquaintances


Media Source

Make sure you introduce friends and acquaintances to people you’re with. You never want to ignore someone when making introductions.

When you hear the word “etiquette” you probably think of balancing books on your head and learning how to eat soup the correct way. While those are both things that can be taught through etiquette, there are also a bunch of other every day tasks that have etiquette rules. Some of them you may have heard of and others may be completely foreign to you. Take a look at the list below and see if you’ve ever broken any of these common etiquette rules.



Media Source

Always RSVP as soon as you know you can make it to an event. You never want to leave the host hanging.

When you hear the word “etiquette” you probably think of balancing books on your head and learning how to eat soup the correct way. While those are both things that can be taught through etiquette, there are also a bunch of other every day tasks that have etiquette rules. Some of them you may have heard of and others may be completely foreign to you. Take a look at the list below and see if you’ve ever broken any of these common etiquette rules.

Business Dinner Left-Overs


Media Source

If you are at a business dinner, it can be seen as improper to ask for a to-go box for your leftovers.

When you hear the word “etiquette” you probably think of balancing books on your head and learning how to eat soup the correct way. While those are both things that can be taught through etiquette, there are also a bunch of other every day tasks that have etiquette rules. Some of them you may have heard of and others may be completely foreign to you. Take a look at the list below and see if you’ve ever broken any of these common etiquette rules.

Talking on Your Phone at the Register


Media Source

Talking on your cell phone is extremely rude not only to the cashier helping you out, but also to other customers around you.

When you hear the word “etiquette” you probably think of balancing books on your head and learning how to eat soup the correct way. While those are both things that can be taught through etiquette, there are also a bunch of other every day tasks that have etiquette rules. Some of them you may have heard of and others may be completely foreign to you. Take a look at the list below and see if you’ve ever broken any of these common etiquette rules.

Yelling at the Kids in Public


Media Source

While it can be difficult to keep your cool, yelling at your kids in public when they misbehave is poor etiquette. Wait until you get home, or even discuss the consequences of bad behavior before you even set out.

When you hear the word “etiquette” you probably think of balancing books on your head and learning how to eat soup the correct way. While those are both things that can be taught through etiquette, there are also a bunch of other every day tasks that have etiquette rules. Some of them you may have heard of and others may be completely foreign to you. Take a look at the list below and see if you’ve ever broken any of these common etiquette rules.

Causing a Traffic Jam


Media Source

If you see a long lost friend out and about, don’t stop in the middle and begin talking. Pull them to the side and have a chat there. Staying in the middle is only going to make people annoyed that you’re blocking the way.

When you hear the word “etiquette” you probably think of balancing books on your head and learning how to eat soup the correct way. While those are both things that can be taught through etiquette, there are also a bunch of other every day tasks that have etiquette rules. Some of them you may have heard of and others may be completely foreign to you. Take a look at the list below and see if you’ve ever broken any of these common etiquette rules.



Media Source

Keep your perfume/cologne subtle and not overpowering. Not everyone can handle strong scents.

When you hear the word “etiquette” you probably think of balancing books on your head and learning how to eat soup the correct way. While those are both things that can be taught through etiquette, there are also a bunch of other every day tasks that have etiquette rules. Some of them you may have heard of and others may be completely foreign to you. Take a look at the list below and see if you’ve ever broken any of these common etiquette rules.



Media Source

While you may want to talk about your accomplishments, not everyone will see that your simply showing how proud you are of what you’ve done.


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