We all know of Football, Baseball, Soccer, Basketball, Hockey, etc but did you know there is an entire world of sporting events out there that just, for whatever reason, don’t get the ESPN coverage they deserve.  This is a list of the 25 best.  Notice, most of these come from the UK because they’re either sports creating geniuses or incredibly, incredibly bored.

Media Source

Every year they hold the Cheese Rolling competition at Cooper’s Hill, just outside Gloucester, England.  After rolling the cheese contestants chase it.  It can reach up to 70mph so pretty much whoever makes it to the bottom first and can recover the cheese, wins.

We all know of Football, Baseball, Soccer, Basketball, Hockey, etc but did you know there is an entire world of sporting events out there that just, for whatever reason, don’t get the ESPN coverage they deserve.  This is a list of the 25 best.  Notice, most of these come from the UK because they’re either sports creating geniuses or incredibly, incredibly bored.

Media Source

A sport that was born out of a cartoonists joke, this has 11 alternating rounds of boxing and chess.  You can win by a Knockout, Judges Decision, or a Checkmate.

We all know of Football, Baseball, Soccer, Basketball, Hockey, etc but did you know there is an entire world of sporting events out there that just, for whatever reason, don’t get the ESPN coverage they deserve.  This is a list of the 25 best.  Notice, most of these come from the UK because they’re either sports creating geniuses or incredibly, incredibly bored.

Media Source

Peashooting was born out of Witcham, UK where they shoot paper targets by shooting peas out of blow guns. The peas are changed so that they are sticky peas so that way they stick to the target. All that practice of flinging peas at your sister at the dinner table pays off.

We all know of Football, Baseball, Soccer, Basketball, Hockey, etc but did you know there is an entire world of sporting events out there that just, for whatever reason, don’t get the ESPN coverage they deserve.  This is a list of the 25 best.  Notice, most of these come from the UK because they’re either sports creating geniuses or incredibly, incredibly bored.

Media Source

Played in Southeast Asia, Seepak Takraw is like soccer-volleyball.  Because of the small ball, they can do some pretty amazing tricks to score. Watching them jump reminds me of some serious karate moves.  This is one of the few sports I’ve actually seen and it’s really crazy how athletic these people are.

We all know of Football, Baseball, Soccer, Basketball, Hockey, etc but did you know there is an entire world of sporting events out there that just, for whatever reason, don’t get the ESPN coverage they deserve.  This is a list of the 25 best.  Notice, most of these come from the UK because they’re either sports creating geniuses or incredibly, incredibly bored.

Media Source

Irish Road Bowling is a sport where you roll a metal ball down a pre-determined street.  There is a goal line and the person who rolls the fewest times to cross the line, is the winner.  Not sure why it’s not called Irish Road Golf but, I didn’t make it so I didn’t get to name it.

We all know of Football, Baseball, Soccer, Basketball, Hockey, etc but did you know there is an entire world of sporting events out there that just, for whatever reason, don’t get the ESPN coverage they deserve.  This is a list of the 25 best.  Notice, most of these come from the UK because they’re either sports creating geniuses or incredibly, incredibly bored.

Media Source

Musical Canine Freestyle (a.k.a. Dog Dancing).  I honestly thought this was just a joke when I saw it on King of the Hill but, apparently it’s a real thing with real prizes.

We all know of Football, Baseball, Soccer, Basketball, Hockey, etc but did you know there is an entire world of sporting events out there that just, for whatever reason, don’t get the ESPN coverage they deserve.  This is a list of the 25 best.  Notice, most of these come from the UK because they’re either sports creating geniuses or incredibly, incredibly bored.

Media Source

Worm charming.  No I’m serious, it’s worm charming.  The goal is to coax the worms up from the ground.  Whoever can get the most in the set time frame, wins.  However, I’d not say that anyone who participates in this sport can truly call themselves a winner.

We all know of Football, Baseball, Soccer, Basketball, Hockey, etc but did you know there is an entire world of sporting events out there that just, for whatever reason, don’t get the ESPN coverage they deserve.  This is a list of the 25 best.  Notice, most of these come from the UK because they’re either sports creating geniuses or incredibly, incredibly bored.

Media Source

The pre-requisites for this sports is 4 shins, 2 shoes, 2 willing participants, and probably a lot of alcohol.  A sport imported to the US from (Where else?) the UK, it’s growing in popularity though only God knows why.

We all know of Football, Baseball, Soccer, Basketball, Hockey, etc but did you know there is an entire world of sporting events out there that just, for whatever reason, don’t get the ESPN coverage they deserve.  This is a list of the 25 best.  Notice, most of these come from the UK because they’re either sports creating geniuses or incredibly, incredibly bored.

Media Source

One of the most dangerous sports on the list it entails tying a raft to the back of a boat and getting it airborne.  There’s a reason rafts are supposed to float on water.  They’re not very aerodynamic.

We all know of Football, Baseball, Soccer, Basketball, Hockey, etc but did you know there is an entire world of sporting events out there that just, for whatever reason, don’t get the ESPN coverage they deserve.  This is a list of the 25 best.  Notice, most of these come from the UK because they’re either sports creating geniuses or incredibly, incredibly bored.

Media Source

Because unicycling wasn’t hipster enough, they had to throw in rock climbing too.  That way they can find new people in the mountains to talk to about how great it is to unicycle.

We all know of Football, Baseball, Soccer, Basketball, Hockey, etc but did you know there is an entire world of sporting events out there that just, for whatever reason, don’t get the ESPN coverage they deserve.  This is a list of the 25 best.  Notice, most of these come from the UK because they’re either sports creating geniuses or incredibly, incredibly bored.

Media Source

UK strikes again with this one.  This is basically thumb wrestling only with toes.  Why someone would want to do this?  I have no earthly idea.

We all know of Football, Baseball, Soccer, Basketball, Hockey, etc but did you know there is an entire world of sporting events out there that just, for whatever reason, don’t get the ESPN coverage they deserve.  This is a list of the 25 best.  Notice, most of these come from the UK because they’re either sports creating geniuses or incredibly, incredibly bored.

Media Source

It is the national sport of Finland and it’s very similar to baseball.  The only differences are the way the ball is pitched.

We all know of Football, Baseball, Soccer, Basketball, Hockey, etc but did you know there is an entire world of sporting events out there that just, for whatever reason, don’t get the ESPN coverage they deserve.  This is a list of the 25 best.  Notice, most of these come from the UK because they’re either sports creating geniuses or incredibly, incredibly bored.

Media Source

Mustache growing is apparently a sport.  The only athletes are those too lazy to trim their beards.

We all know of Football, Baseball, Soccer, Basketball, Hockey, etc but did you know there is an entire world of sporting events out there that just, for whatever reason, don’t get the ESPN coverage they deserve.  This is a list of the 25 best.  Notice, most of these come from the UK because they’re either sports creating geniuses or incredibly, incredibly bored.

Media Source

Bellyflopping is a sport of trying to make the biggest splash with a belly flop. The pain from the bellyflops only last a few seconds but the pain of being an athlete in this sports lasts longer.  This is soothed quickly by the fact there is some considerable money to be won in this sport.

We all know of Football, Baseball, Soccer, Basketball, Hockey, etc but did you know there is an entire world of sporting events out there that just, for whatever reason, don’t get the ESPN coverage they deserve.  This is a list of the 25 best.  Notice, most of these come from the UK because they’re either sports creating geniuses or incredibly, incredibly bored.

Media Source

Unbeknownst to me, every Christmas I was preparing for this.  All those hours I spent whacking things with the used up wrapping paper tubes… I missed my calling.

We all know of Football, Baseball, Soccer, Basketball, Hockey, etc but did you know there is an entire world of sporting events out there that just, for whatever reason, don’t get the ESPN coverage they deserve.  This is a list of the 25 best.  Notice, most of these come from the UK because they’re either sports creating geniuses or incredibly, incredibly bored.

Media Source

Participants swim through a bog with only a snorkel and fins on their feet.  The only means of propulsion allowed are said fins.  It seems to me someone lost a bet in a bar to someone else and said “Well, let’s just make this a sport then!”

We all know of Football, Baseball, Soccer, Basketball, Hockey, etc but did you know there is an entire world of sporting events out there that just, for whatever reason, don’t get the ESPN coverage they deserve.  This is a list of the 25 best.  Notice, most of these come from the UK because they’re either sports creating geniuses or incredibly, incredibly bored.

Media Source

Each June in the Welsh town of Llanwrtyd Wells men line up to prove they can beat a horse to a finish line that is 22 miles away. Why? Rumor is that there was an argument between two men in a bar and they decided the only way to prove who was right, was to try it out.  Then, they made it a sport.

We all know of Football, Baseball, Soccer, Basketball, Hockey, etc but did you know there is an entire world of sporting events out there that just, for whatever reason, don’t get the ESPN coverage they deserve.  This is a list of the 25 best.  Notice, most of these come from the UK because they’re either sports creating geniuses or incredibly, incredibly bored.

Media Source

Water hockey is just like hockey but underwater.  It adds the thrill of body checks with the added danger of being under water.

We all know of Football, Baseball, Soccer, Basketball, Hockey, etc but did you know there is an entire world of sporting events out there that just, for whatever reason, don’t get the ESPN coverage they deserve.  This is a list of the 25 best.  Notice, most of these come from the UK because they’re either sports creating geniuses or incredibly, incredibly bored.

Media Source

We have the Swedish to thank for this sport.  They saw horses jumping over obstacles and said “Why not Bunnies?”  Why not Bunnies indeed you glorious people you.

We all know of Football, Baseball, Soccer, Basketball, Hockey, etc but did you know there is an entire world of sporting events out there that just, for whatever reason, don’t get the ESPN coverage they deserve.  This is a list of the 25 best.  Notice, most of these come from the UK because they’re either sports creating geniuses or incredibly, incredibly bored.

Media Source

Snow polo is a sport that originated in Switzerland.  If I had to guess it’s because if they tried to play on days there wasn’t snow, they’d go 5 years between regular seasons.

We all know of Football, Baseball, Soccer, Basketball, Hockey, etc but did you know there is an entire world of sporting events out there that just, for whatever reason, don’t get the ESPN coverage they deserve.  This is a list of the 25 best.  Notice, most of these come from the UK because they’re either sports creating geniuses or incredibly, incredibly bored.

Media Source

Extreme ironing is catching on.  Don’t let this picture fool you.  No no.  You see, extreme ironing can be done while skydiving or climbing a mountain too.  Why?  We have NO idea.

We all know of Football, Baseball, Soccer, Basketball, Hockey, etc but did you know there is an entire world of sporting events out there that just, for whatever reason, don’t get the ESPN coverage they deserve.  This is a list of the 25 best.  Notice, most of these come from the UK because they’re either sports creating geniuses or incredibly, incredibly bored.

Media Source

Bo-taoshi “pole-pulldown” in Japanese, and really describes this extremely intense sport. Each team consists of 150 people. They are divided into 75 attackers and 75 defenders. The only objective? To knock down the other teams pole.

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