The main reason we watch movies is that we sometimes need to escape our everyday lives and see something out of the ordinary. A good movie is meant to inspire, to make you think and wonder, but also to make you laugh or cry. When watching a really well-done movie keep an open mind and remember that not everything that happens in the story is real and can be applied to real life.

Here are some of the most incredible movie scenes ever made, so think twice before jumping to the conclusion that those things might happen in real life.

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In 2016 the highly acclaimed movie Passengers was released. It has a little bit of everything: some science facts, a romance story, robots and space traveling. But there comes a part that you might be actually tempted to believe that it is true, the hibernating sleep where you can go to sleep in a special capsule and wake up after a long period looking exactly the same.

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The computer hacking has become a very frequent scene in the latest movies. It is often believed that this business is done only by outlaws who seek to take down the Government or disable a security system from a bank. In real life, these “hackers” are just normal employees working for big firms in order to strengthen their systems.

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If you’ve seen any episode of Star Wars then there is a chance you might think that the ship’s lasers are actually visible. This is an understandable fact since the director wants to add a dynamic and powerful effect on the screen. Just compare a laser pointer to a laser gun you see in movies and you will spot the difference.

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You know those movies where the main character is so skillful and agile that his attacker can never have a chance to aim properly? He is whether dodging the enemy’s attacks or hiding behind an object to have the element of surprise. In reality, even if the hero is hiding behind something that looks apparently safe, the bullets have the property to go through wood, metal, plastic and other materials.

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The typical action movie must have an explosion scene. When an explosion happens in the movie, the hero miraculously jumps right before it happens or runs as fast as they can. In reality, the explosion’s shockwave would be so powerful that it will destroy everything in its way.

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There is always a scene in a movie where the police is involved and they have to catch the villain. Once they do, the next thing they do is to recite their rights: “You have the right to remain silent”. In reality, no policeman will start reading the rights as soon as they get the bad guy, that happens when the criminal is in their custody.

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If you hear the word “triangulate” when someone talks about a phone call, then it’s that moment in the movie where they have to determine someone’s location based on the duration on the phone call. In reality, that process does not take that long. Prolonging the moment until they find the bad guy is just meant to create more tension among the audience.

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There are some movies where someone suddenly disappears. You must have seen at least one time this kind of movie plot where the characters must wait up to 24 hours before reporting the missing person. This kind of agonizing wait depicted in the movie is meant to show the emotional struggle of the characters and in reality it’s best if you report a missing person immediately if you have reason to believe they are in danger.

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We have all seen Jurassic Park at some point in our lives and there is that part where it’s explained how the dinosaurs were created. One mosquito that is preserved in amber is responsible for making the whole thing possible. In reality, the DNA of the dinosaurs can’t possibly last this long even if it’s perfectly preserved.

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Smashed bottles will always be found in bar fight scenes. Well, these are used to highlight the character’s quick judgment, looking cool while doing it. In reality, the glass bottles are made from very thick material and they can’t be that easily broken. 

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Police jurisdiction is probably another issue that needs to be addressed. Why? Because, in movies, the law force can only act inside their own jurisdiction and what is outside is another policeman’s problem. In reality, a police officer can make an arrest if an individual is suspected even if he is outside his jurisdiction.

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Quicksand used to be a very popular theme in old movies and they made you believe that you can get underneath the sand in a matter of seconds.  True, you can get stuck in quicksand, but you can easily get out of it if you move in order to create friction between the sand grains. 

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When you have the chance to watch a drama movie with a scene where some doctors revive someone with a defibrillator and the heart monitor starts beeping again, then you have to know that all of this is just for creating a tension-filled atmosphere. However, the defibrillator should not be underestimated, because it is an amazing device that is used when someone is having a heart attack.

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You know those movies where a great team of astronauts goes into the great unknown, space, and they run into a problem while being far away from Earth? Well, that means you also are familiar with the tense moments when they establish communication in order to get help and they get their answers right away with no delay. That is usually unrealistic because the greater the distance between the space ship and Earth, the longer the delay.

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The bomb defusing scenes were extremely popular back then and the tension you felt when the hero tried to cut the right wire in order to save the city was unbelievably intense. In reality, bombs rarely come in their famous three or four-colored wire versions.

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There is at least one movie with a trial scene you watched in your life. And if you did, you probably noticed the short length of the whole trial, the dramatic speeches of the lawyers and that one final argument that wins the case. Well, in reality, trials can take months until they come with a conclusion and lawyers keep a quiet, calm voice.

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The scene with the Millennium Falcon flying through the great wave of asteroids is always fun to watch, but this is just for the dynamic effect. In space, you usually find a single asteroid floating through space, not a whole wave.

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We all love to watch a movie where they show you the forensic process and how the main characters solve the crime with a few quick judgments. But in reality, the forensics just help the process of collecting and finding evidence.

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In movies, when the person who is in the water reaches their arms out and starts shouting for help, the saviors come to the rescue almost immediately. In reality, it’s very difficult to spot a person between the waves.

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There are always some scenes in action movies where the hero pulls the pin of a grenade just using their teeth, but that is no easy feat in real life.

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When the main character is using two pistols at once in the movie looks awesome, but in reality, this is close to impossible. It’s extremely difficult to aim two targets simultaneously.

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Do you know those scenes where two friends do something dangerous, like skydiving, and they try to encourage each other? Well, don’t expect that to be possible because your ears are unable to hear sounds in such windy conditions. 

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In the movie Léon: The Professionalthe main character uses a silencer and apparently that is enough to make the gunshot sound completely quiet. But silencers still make the gunshots be heard, they just sound less loud than usual.

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During the legendary Anakin and Obi Wan fight, you can notice the lava surrounding them. In reality, you can’t stand this close to the lava without wearing a special suit.

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You might have learned that if you stay completely still, the T-Rex won’t see you, but it was proven that the Tyrannosaurus Rex actually had really good vision.

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