Have you ever wondered what is the first thing that guys pay attention to when they meet a woman? Is it their eyes, hair or style? You might be surprised to find out that yes, men care about things such as how a girl carries herself and the way she dresses among others. Today I am going to shed some light on what type of looks and personality traits men are looking to find so that you can get a better understanding of what you need to do in order to improve your dating game. Without any further ado, here are 25 things that men can’t help from being attracted to.


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You know that old saying goes “eyes are the mirror to one’s soul” and men are always going to appreciate a pair of pretty eyes.


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Even though guys don’t necessarily admit this, a woman’s hairstyle affects how much they like her or not.


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You will be surprised to find out how many things you can say only through a warm, inviting smile. In addition, a pretty smile is the best accessory that a woman can wear.

Sense of Humor

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Guys love a good laugh and this is why they are interested in women with a developed sense of humor.

Conversation Skills

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The only type of people that can make relationships last are the ones with good conversation skills and men will surely take into consideration how well you can keep a conversation going.


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Not only men, but everybody appreciates kind people and having this personality trait will also make it easier to gain new friends.

Sense of Style

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The reason why guys notice a girl’s sense of style is because it says a lot about her personality.Nails

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Yes, men pay attention to how a woman does her nails! Even though this is a small detail in a woman’s appearance, it gives them insight into what her personality is like.


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This is shallow but this doesn’t mean that men won’t care about a woman’s weight. In addition, I am not saying that men will judge you, just that they will notice it.


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If one thing is certain, guys will always try to make girls laugh. This is why you should consider laughing more often because it shows that you’re interested.


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Being slim and pretty is nice, but what really matters to a man is how intelligent you are. Therefore, don’t be afraid to show your wits. 


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Men love a woman that’s independent because it shows she can take care of herself and that she is strong!


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I believe it’s obvious that men like nice clean feet, but what you might not know is that they also care about a woman’s pedicure. Women who take care of their bodies show that they put a high price on hygiene and this is always a plus in a man’s eyes.

Body Type

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Caring about someone’s body type is also a shallow thing but truth be told, this is one of the first things that men will notice about you. The best part is that there are guys who will love you for who you really are.


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One interesting thing about perfume is that your scent will remain engraved in a man’s mind long after you’ve parted ways. Therefore, using a nice perfume will help you grab your crush’s attention even though you are not next to him.


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The spotlight always follows charismatic people wherever they go and men notice that.


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Height is not that important because you can’t do anything about it, but it is definitely something that men will notice about you. In fact, according to polls some men actually avoid dating girls that are taller than them.


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Polls are showing that skin is one of the last things that men notice when they first meet a woman. However, it’s hard not to notice it when you’re staring someone right in the face.


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Eyebrows are something that girls need to be careful about. The reason why I am saying this is because men consider over plucked eyebrows as being a big turnoff.


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Men love a woman that’s educated and has her own opinions. The reason why guys enjoy talking to strong women is that the conversation never gets boring.

Short Hair

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Polls are showing that men are still old fashioned when it comes to hairstyles. Some of them might like women who cut their hair short but the majority feel like long hair adds to a woman’s femininity. 


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Men definitely notice how much makeup a girl uses. A little bit of makeup here and there is nice and all, but don’t overdo it to the point when your skin complexion is a different color from your body because men won’t like that.


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Swearing is one thing that men will notice right away and they don’t find it attractive at all because it’s not really ladylike.


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Voice plays a major role in how attractive men find women and they will notice it right from the moment they first meet them.


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Confidence means that you believe in yourself and that you’re not afraid of who you are. Also, if you don’t believe in yourself then why would he?

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