Hollywood is full of incredible parents, but there are plenty of celebrities that have chosen to not have kids of their own too. Despite society pressure, these stars have talked about their lack of desire to have children for one reason or another. It could be because they are too busy focused on their careers to start a family or simply parenthood don’t necessarily suit their lives. While the media and tabloids have judged them by their decisions, all of them are more than happy to stay childless for a while. Keep reading and find out which celebrities have made this life decision.

Oprah Winfrey

Media Source

“If I had kids, my kids would hate me. They would have ended up on the equivalent of the Oprah show talking about me; because something [in my life] would have had to suffer and it would’ve probably been them”, she told The Hollywood Reporter. Also, Oprah recently admitted to the media, “I never had children, never even thought I would have children. Now I have 152 daughters; expecting 75 more next year. That is some type of gestation period”, about her Leadership Academy for Girls in South Africa.

Hollywood is full of incredible parents, but there are plenty of celebrities that have chosen to not have kids of their own too. Despite society pressure, these stars have talked about their lack of desire to have children for one reason or another. It could be because they are too busy focused on their careers to start a family or simply parenthood don’t necessarily suit their lives. While the media and tabloids have judged them by their decisions, all of them are more than happy to stay childless for a while. Keep reading and find out which celebrities have made this life decision.

Jennifer Aniston

Media Source

The beloved Friends actress has spoken about her childless status on The Today Show: “I don’t have this sort of checklist of things that have to be done and, if they’re not checked then I’ve failed some part of my feminism, or my being a woman, or my worth or my value as a woman. I’ve birthed a lot of things, and I feel like I’ve mothered many things. And I don’t think it’s fair to put that pressure on people.”

Hollywood is full of incredible parents, but there are plenty of celebrities that have chosen to not have kids of their own too. Despite society pressure, these stars have talked about their lack of desire to have children for one reason or another. It could be because they are too busy focused on their careers to start a family or simply parenthood don’t necessarily suit their lives. While the media and tabloids have judged them by their decisions, all of them are more than happy to stay childless for a while. Keep reading and find out which celebrities have made this life decision.

Jay Leno

Media Source

The late-night talk show host and his wife have told the media that they never planned on having children, “I had made up my mind when I was little that I would never get married or have children, so I had no agenda” And the are pretty happy about it.

Hollywood is full of incredible parents, but there are plenty of celebrities that have chosen to not have kids of their own too. Despite society pressure, these stars have talked about their lack of desire to have children for one reason or another. It could be because they are too busy focused on their careers to start a family or simply parenthood don’t necessarily suit their lives. While the media and tabloids have judged them by their decisions, all of them are more than happy to stay childless for a while. Keep reading and find out which celebrities have made this life decision.

Portia de Rossi And Ellen DeGeneres

Media Source

Portia de Rossi and her wife, Ellen DeGeneres, have opened up on the subject, Rossi told to Out Magazine, “You have to really want to have kids, and neither of us did. So it’s just going to be me and Ellen, and no babies, but we’re the best of friends and married life is blissful, it really is. I’ve never been happier than I am right now.” Ellen also has spoken her mind, telling People Magazine “We’d probably be great parents. But it’s a human being and unless you think you have excellent skills and have a drive or yearning in you to do that, the amount of work that that is and responsibility—I wouldn’t want to screw them up!”

Hollywood is full of incredible parents, but there are plenty of celebrities that have chosen to not have kids of their own too. Despite society pressure, these stars have talked about their lack of desire to have children for one reason or another. It could be because they are too busy focused on their careers to start a family or simply parenthood don’t necessarily suit their lives. While the media and tabloids have judged them by their decisions, all of them are more than happy to stay childless for a while. Keep reading and find out which celebrities have made this life decision.

Cameron Diaz

Media Source

Diaz has told about her non-desire to have children,  “We live in a society where everyone has kids, so they want other people to have kids. There is this culture that says celebrities are supposed to be just like us, so people think, ‘I have children — why doesn’t she?’ But I’m not going to do something because it’s expected. If a family happens, then it happens. If children come to me, then I would do that, but I’m not someone who feels like she has to do something because it’s expected”

Hollywood is full of incredible parents, but there are plenty of celebrities that have chosen to not have kids of their own too. Despite society pressure, these stars have talked about their lack of desire to have children for one reason or another. It could be because they are too busy focused on their careers to start a family or simply parenthood don’t necessarily suit their lives. While the media and tabloids have judged them by their decisions, all of them are more than happy to stay childless for a while. Keep reading and find out which celebrities have made this life decision.

Renée Zellweger

Media Source

The Oscar nominee told New York Daily News: “Motherhood has never been an ambition. I don’t think like that. I never have expectations like ‘when I’m 19 I’m going to do this, and by the time I’ve hit 25 I’m going to do that’. I just take things as they come, each day at a time.”

Hollywood is full of incredible parents, but there are plenty of celebrities that have chosen to not have kids of their own too. Despite society pressure, these stars have talked about their lack of desire to have children for one reason or another. It could be because they are too busy focused on their careers to start a family or simply parenthood don’t necessarily suit their lives. While the media and tabloids have judged them by their decisions, all of them are more than happy to stay childless for a while. Keep reading and find out which celebrities have made this life decision.

Helen Mirren

Media Source

Helen Mirren has been outspoken on the matter. She told to Vogue “It was not my destiny. I kept thinking it would be, waiting for it to happen, but it never did, and I didn’t care what people thought.” The actress also admitted “I never felt the need for a child and never felt the loss of it. I’d always put my work before anything.”

Hollywood is full of incredible parents, but there are plenty of celebrities that have chosen to not have kids of their own too. Despite society pressure, these stars have talked about their lack of desire to have children for one reason or another. It could be because they are too busy focused on their careers to start a family or simply parenthood don’t necessarily suit their lives. While the media and tabloids have judged them by their decisions, all of them are more than happy to stay childless for a while. Keep reading and find out which celebrities have made this life decision.

Betty White

Media Source

Betty White’s career was always above of having a family. “I didn’t choose to have children because I’m focused on my career, and I don’t think as compulsive as I am that I could manage both,” she said to the tabloid, she added, “I always loved kids, but I’ll never regret that life decision”

Hollywood is full of incredible parents, but there are plenty of celebrities that have chosen to not have kids of their own too. Despite society pressure, these stars have talked about their lack of desire to have children for one reason or another. It could be because they are too busy focused on their careers to start a family or simply parenthood don’t necessarily suit their lives. While the media and tabloids have judged them by their decisions, all of them are more than happy to stay childless for a while. Keep reading and find out which celebrities have made this life decision.

Dolly Parton

Media Source

The singer has told People Magazine, “I grew up in a big old family with eight kids younger than me and several of my brothers and sisters came to live with me early on in my life. I’ve loved their kids just like they’re my grandkids” She added, “It just wasn’t meant for me to have kids so everybody’s kids can be mine.”

Hollywood is full of incredible parents, but there are plenty of celebrities that have chosen to not have kids of their own too. Despite society pressure, these stars have talked about their lack of desire to have children for one reason or another. It could be because they are too busy focused on their careers to start a family or simply parenthood don’t necessarily suit their lives. While the media and tabloids have judged them by their decisions, all of them are more than happy to stay childless for a while. Keep reading and find out which celebrities have made this life decision.

Ashley Judd 

Media Source

Ashley Judd has told to the tabloid on the subject: “It’s unconscionable to breed, with the number of children who are starving to death in impoverished countries.” Also, in her book: All That Is Bitter and Sweet: A Memoir, she added, “The fact is that I have chosen not to have children because I believe the children who are already here are really mine, too. I do not need to go making ‘my own’ babies when there are so many orphaned or abandoned children who need love, attention, time, and care”

Hollywood is full of incredible parents, but there are plenty of celebrities that have chosen to not have kids of their own too. Despite society pressure, these stars have talked about their lack of desire to have children for one reason or another. It could be because they are too busy focused on their careers to start a family or simply parenthood don’t necessarily suit their lives. While the media and tabloids have judged them by their decisions, all of them are more than happy to stay childless for a while. Keep reading and find out which celebrities have made this life decision.

Chelsea Handler

Media Source

Chelsea Handler has been pretty open about her childfree lifestyle. Recently admitted to Amanda de Cadanet “I definitely don’t want to have kids. I don’t think I’d be a great mother,” the 39-year-old comedian added, “I don’t want to have a kid and have it raised by a nanny. I don’t have the time to raise a child myself.”
Hollywood is full of incredible parents, but there are plenty of celebrities that have chosen to not have kids of their own too. Despite society pressure, these stars have talked about their lack of desire to have children for one reason or another. It could be because they are too busy focused on their careers to start a family or simply parenthood don’t necessarily suit their lives. While the media and tabloids have judged them by their decisions, all of them are more than happy to stay childless for a while. Keep reading and find out which celebrities have made this life decision.

Rachael Ray

Media Source

Rachael Ray told the media, she needs to improve her maternal skills before having her own children, “I would need more time to feel like I’d be a good mom to my own child. I feel like a borderline good mom to my dog. So I can’t imagine if it was a human baby. I feel like it would be unfair, not only to the child but to the people I work with.”

Hollywood is full of incredible parents, but there are plenty of celebrities that have chosen to not have kids of their own too. Despite society pressure, these stars have talked about their lack of desire to have children for one reason or another. It could be because they are too busy focused on their careers to start a family or simply parenthood don’t necessarily suit their lives. While the media and tabloids have judged them by their decisions, all of them are more than happy to stay childless for a while. Keep reading and find out which celebrities have made this life decision.

Margaret Cho

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Margaret wrote a letter on her blog: “I don’t know if I could stand that kind of commitment, or if I am really honest, I don’t think that I could handle being that vulnerable to someone else. My child would have my heart completely and having never truly given that over, in all my relationships in my life, starting with myself, I don’t even know where to begin.

Hollywood is full of incredible parents, but there are plenty of celebrities that have chosen to not have kids of their own too. Despite society pressure, these stars have talked about their lack of desire to have children for one reason or another. It could be because they are too busy focused on their careers to start a family or simply parenthood don’t necessarily suit their lives. While the media and tabloids have judged them by their decisions, all of them are more than happy to stay childless for a while. Keep reading and find out which celebrities have made this life decision.

Kim Cattrall

Media Source

“When I answered those questions regarding having children, I realized that so much of the pressure I was feeling was from outside sources, and I knew I wasn’t ready to take that step into motherhood,” she admitted about her childfree status. She also has told the media: “Being a biological mother just isn’t part of my experience this time around”

Hollywood is full of incredible parents, but there are plenty of celebrities that have chosen to not have kids of their own too. Despite society pressure, these stars have talked about their lack of desire to have children for one reason or another. It could be because they are too busy focused on their careers to start a family or simply parenthood don’t necessarily suit their lives. While the media and tabloids have judged them by their decisions, all of them are more than happy to stay childless for a while. Keep reading and find out which celebrities have made this life decision.

Rashida Jones

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Jones tell us about her point of view about her childless status on The Guardian, “I had the full princess fantasy: the white horse, the whole being saved from my life, which is ridiculous. What do I want to be saved from? My life’s great! But it’s just this weird thing that’s been hammered into my head culturally: that’s the only way to succeed, that’s the only thing that counts for a woman. I’m happy, but the fact that I’m not married and don’t have kids — it’s taken me a long time to get to a place where I actually am OK with that, where I actually don’t feel like I’m some sort of loser.”

Hollywood is full of incredible parents, but there are plenty of celebrities that have chosen to not have kids of their own too. Despite society pressure, these stars have talked about their lack of desire to have children for one reason or another. It could be because they are too busy focused on their careers to start a family or simply parenthood don’t necessarily suit their lives. While the media and tabloids have judged them by their decisions, all of them are more than happy to stay childless for a while. Keep reading and find out which celebrities have made this life decision.

Jon Hamm

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“Mad Men” star Jon Hamm admitted to Us Weekly “I’d be a terrible father!”. Parenthood is something he couldn’t manage, “I see my friends who have children and I’m like, ‘Dude, how are you even upright, much less here at work at 6 AM?'”

Hollywood is full of incredible parents, but there are plenty of celebrities that have chosen to not have kids of their own too. Despite society pressure, these stars have talked about their lack of desire to have children for one reason or another. It could be because they are too busy focused on their careers to start a family or simply parenthood don’t necessarily suit their lives. While the media and tabloids have judged them by their decisions, all of them are more than happy to stay childless for a while. Keep reading and find out which celebrities have made this life decision.

Dita Von Teese

Media Source

Dita Von Teese on her childfree status, “I’m just going to watch how my life unfolds and see what happens. I’m not going to be less of a person if I don’t have children.” Von Teese has pointed that she adores her sister’s kids and her two dogs, “It will work out the way it is supposed to” she added.

Hollywood is full of incredible parents, but there are plenty of celebrities that have chosen to not have kids of their own too. Despite society pressure, these stars have talked about their lack of desire to have children for one reason or another. It could be because they are too busy focused on their careers to start a family or simply parenthood don’t necessarily suit their lives. While the media and tabloids have judged them by their decisions, all of them are more than happy to stay childless for a while. Keep reading and find out which celebrities have made this life decision.

Carole Radziwill

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She confesses to The Daily Mail about the subject, “I knew that [late husband Anthony Radziwill] couldn’t have kids, and that wasn’t in any way a deal-breaker for me. I just wasn’t that girl who dreamed about getting married and having children. Those weren’t the priorities for me. Now, looking back, I think it would have been nice to have a child. But I’m not going to sit around and mope about it.”

Hollywood is full of incredible parents, but there are plenty of celebrities that have chosen to not have kids of their own too. Despite society pressure, these stars have talked about their lack of desire to have children for one reason or another. It could be because they are too busy focused on their careers to start a family or simply parenthood don’t necessarily suit their lives. While the media and tabloids have judged them by their decisions, all of them are more than happy to stay childless for a while. Keep reading and find out which celebrities have made this life decision.

Ricky Gervais

Media Source

“We never wanted to be parents, with all that entails: the loss of freedom, total dependency,” the British comedian has said. “I’m the sort of person who has to check three times that I’ve shut the door, so I’d probably stare at a kid all day to check it was breathing.”

Hollywood is full of incredible parents, but there are plenty of celebrities that have chosen to not have kids of their own too. Despite society pressure, these stars have talked about their lack of desire to have children for one reason or another. It could be because they are too busy focused on their careers to start a family or simply parenthood don’t necessarily suit their lives. While the media and tabloids have judged them by their decisions, all of them are more than happy to stay childless for a while. Keep reading and find out which celebrities have made this life decision.

Eva Mendes

Media Source

Mendes spoke about her no-kids life plan, “I don’t wanna have kids,” she’s said. “I love the little kids; they’re so cute but I love sleep so much and I worry about everything.”

Hollywood is full of incredible parents, but there are plenty of celebrities that have chosen to not have kids of their own too. Despite society pressure, these stars have talked about their lack of desire to have children for one reason or another. It could be because they are too busy focused on their careers to start a family or simply parenthood don’t necessarily suit their lives. While the media and tabloids have judged them by their decisions, all of them are more than happy to stay childless for a while. Keep reading and find out which celebrities have made this life decision.

Janeane Garofalo

Media Source

She said, “I thought that I did. Now I realize that I don’t. People think that you are a nasty, selfish person if you don’t want to have children,” the comedian has added “As much as I enjoy other people’s children, my dogs have always been for me and my boyfriend our babies. I mean, we’re those types of people that people probably loathe if they overheard us the way we are with our dogs, but we both are very certain that not having married when we were younger and having children when we were younger was the right thing to do”

Hollywood is full of incredible parents, but there are plenty of celebrities that have chosen to not have kids of their own too. Despite society pressure, these stars have talked about their lack of desire to have children for one reason or another. It could be because they are too busy focused on their careers to start a family or simply parenthood don’t necessarily suit their lives. While the media and tabloids have judged them by their decisions, all of them are more than happy to stay childless for a while. Keep reading and find out which celebrities have made this life decision.

Zooey Deschanel

Media Source

American sweetheart told Marie Claire Magazine having children wasn’t on her life plan,“[Having kids has] never been my focus,” said has added. “My sister was always very motherly, babysitting and stuff. I like kids, and I like being around kids, but it was never an ambition, something, like; I like working. That’s what I like doing. I like to work.”

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