You know who doesn’t get enough credit sometimes?  Moms.  They help us learn to use forks and spoons, change us when we are in diapers, and they even teach us the alphabet.  All they ask in return is help fixing their Email and a phone call on occasion.  Seriously you ingrates, go call your Mothers.  Before doing that though, take a look at these 20 awesome Television Moms.

Media Source

Lorelai Gilmore is the epitome of a cool mom: She’s young, she’s fun, and she’s a big fan of incorporating as much junk food into your diet as possible. She is one of the rare cases where it is totally understandable to say, “My mom is my best friend.”

You know who doesn’t get enough credit sometimes?  Moms.  They help us learn to use forks and spoons, change us when we are in diapers, and they even teach us the alphabet.  All they ask in return is help fixing their Email and a phone call on occasion.  Seriously you ingrates, go call your Mothers.  Before doing that though, take a look at these 20 awesome Television Moms.

Media Source

She has everything a kid could want.  Not particularly smart and looks after Timmy.  She did become a super hero once which is pretty cool too.  To think, Timmy exists because His Dad wiped her tears with a mop after she was dumped by Timmy’s Dad old nemesis after he got rich.  She’s led a pretty exciting life and lets her Son do so too.

You know who doesn’t get enough credit sometimes?  Moms.  They help us learn to use forks and spoons, change us when we are in diapers, and they even teach us the alphabet.  All they ask in return is help fixing their Email and a phone call on occasion.  Seriously you ingrates, go call your Mothers.  Before doing that though, take a look at these 20 awesome Television Moms.

Media Source

What’s not to love about Lois.  She has 4 VERY different children but some how is able to take care of them, the house, a husband, and a job too.  She isn’t just a fantastic TV Mom, she’d be a super hero in the real world.

You know who doesn’t get enough credit sometimes?  Moms.  They help us learn to use forks and spoons, change us when we are in diapers, and they even teach us the alphabet.  All they ask in return is help fixing their Email and a phone call on occasion.  Seriously you ingrates, go call your Mothers.  Before doing that though, take a look at these 20 awesome Television Moms.

Media Source

Frankie Heck.  Now, I know what you’re probably thinking “Don’t they live in perpetual chaos and stay poor all the time?”  Yes.  Yes they do.  However, she works 2 jobs when needed and goes through a thousand hoops to help her children even when they don’t want it.  She loves her Husband, her kids, and though she complains sometimes, she resigns herself to just doing the best she can while still doing the best by her children.  Even if that means yelling at teachers and being banned from Parent-Teacher nights.

You know who doesn’t get enough credit sometimes?  Moms.  They help us learn to use forks and spoons, change us when we are in diapers, and they even teach us the alphabet.  All they ask in return is help fixing their Email and a phone call on occasion.  Seriously you ingrates, go call your Mothers.  Before doing that though, take a look at these 20 awesome Television Moms.

Media Source

“Jane his wife,” might have been at the end of The Jetsons theme song, but Jane will always be our favorite thing about the popular animated show. Though she only had to press a button for dinner to appear, she was a devoted mom to Judy and Elroy, and a member of The Galaxy Women Historical Society—a true woman of the future.

You know who doesn’t get enough credit sometimes?  Moms.  They help us learn to use forks and spoons, change us when we are in diapers, and they even teach us the alphabet.  All they ask in return is help fixing their Email and a phone call on occasion.  Seriously you ingrates, go call your Mothers.  Before doing that though, take a look at these 20 awesome Television Moms.

Media Source

Lucille Ball’s iconic redhead broke barriers for TV moms in a major way: She was the first character to ever be shown pregnant on the small screen.  Beyond her status as a TV legend, Lucy was also just a fun mom. She always encouraged her son Little Ricky’s music talents — and often ended up on stage performing with him.

You know who doesn’t get enough credit sometimes?  Moms.  They help us learn to use forks and spoons, change us when we are in diapers, and they even teach us the alphabet.  All they ask in return is help fixing their Email and a phone call on occasion.  Seriously you ingrates, go call your Mothers.  Before doing that though, take a look at these 20 awesome Television Moms.

Media Source

“Carmela Soprano!?”  Yes and here’s why.  I know, she pretty much turned a blind eye to her Husbands wrong doings and all that but she did what she needed to get her kids into the right schools and out of the way of their Father.  She made sure Meadow got into the college she wanted and looked after AJ when he was going through a rough time too.  She held the fort down when her Husbands goes missing and though she maybe had some faults along the way in her Marriage to Tony, she still tried her best for her Children.

You know who doesn’t get enough credit sometimes?  Moms.  They help us learn to use forks and spoons, change us when we are in diapers, and they even teach us the alphabet.  All they ask in return is help fixing their Email and a phone call on occasion.  Seriously you ingrates, go call your Mothers.  Before doing that though, take a look at these 20 awesome Television Moms.

Media Source

The mother of Meg, Chris and Stewie, Lois Griffin is loving, caring and affectionate. She does everything in her power to care for her children, even teaching piano in her free time to make extra money. Her easy-going personality and happy-go-lucky nature have earned her a spot on the list.

You know who doesn’t get enough credit sometimes?  Moms.  They help us learn to use forks and spoons, change us when we are in diapers, and they even teach us the alphabet.  All they ask in return is help fixing their Email and a phone call on occasion.  Seriously you ingrates, go call your Mothers.  Before doing that though, take a look at these 20 awesome Television Moms.

Media Source

Roseanne Conner may not be your first thought when it comes to best Mothers but she raised 3 kids, supported her Husband when he tried to open his own business a couple of times, let her daughter move back in with her boyfriend and was the rock for all of them and in the mean time was there for her Sister who needed all the help she could get.  They never made it rich (It was a dream when they hit the lottery, remember?) but she always made it clear she loved her children.

You know who doesn’t get enough credit sometimes?  Moms.  They help us learn to use forks and spoons, change us when we are in diapers, and they even teach us the alphabet.  All they ask in return is help fixing their Email and a phone call on occasion.  Seriously you ingrates, go call your Mothers.  Before doing that though, take a look at these 20 awesome Television Moms.

Media Source

Peggy Bundy.  Maybe not the first Mom you think of but if you remember she was protective of her children.  She could make fun of them but, may God help you if you were to do it, because no one else would be there for you.  She would often defend them to her Husband and would see to it that they were provided for before even He had dinner.

You know who doesn’t get enough credit sometimes?  Moms.  They help us learn to use forks and spoons, change us when we are in diapers, and they even teach us the alphabet.  All they ask in return is help fixing their Email and a phone call on occasion.  Seriously you ingrates, go call your Mothers.  Before doing that though, take a look at these 20 awesome Television Moms.

Media Source

Now, I’m not condoning what Nancy Botwin did, but it goes to prove that when a Mom has to take care of her children, she’ll do anything she needs to do, to make it happen.

You know who doesn’t get enough credit sometimes?  Moms.  They help us learn to use forks and spoons, change us when we are in diapers, and they even teach us the alphabet.  All they ask in return is help fixing their Email and a phone call on occasion.  Seriously you ingrates, go call your Mothers.  Before doing that though, take a look at these 20 awesome Television Moms.

Media Source

Here’s the story, of a woman named Carol Brady.  She had three girls of her own, the youngest in curls, when she met Mike.  It was a ground breaking show at the time as it was a showcase of a blended nuclear family.  Mike with his 3 boys, Carol with her 3 girls.  She took to it like a duck to water though and took care of those boys like they were her own.  She never played favorites and was always fair.

You know who doesn’t get enough credit sometimes?  Moms.  They help us learn to use forks and spoons, change us when we are in diapers, and they even teach us the alphabet.  All they ask in return is help fixing their Email and a phone call on occasion.  Seriously you ingrates, go call your Mothers.  Before doing that though, take a look at these 20 awesome Television Moms.

Media Source

Now, Marie Barone probably isn’t a shining example but she is like a lot of real life mothers.  The sun rose and set for her Son, Raymond.  Robert?  She looked after him too but always smothered Raymond more.  He was successful, had kids, had a great paying job, and always just wanted the best of everything for him.  Robert would get coddled too though and she even let him stay with her for a while until he started moving up the ranks in the Police Force and getting married himself.

You know who doesn’t get enough credit sometimes?  Moms.  They help us learn to use forks and spoons, change us when we are in diapers, and they even teach us the alphabet.  All they ask in return is help fixing their Email and a phone call on occasion.  Seriously you ingrates, go call your Mothers.  Before doing that though, take a look at these 20 awesome Television Moms.

Media Source

June Cleaver was every kids idolized version of what a Mom was.  She cooked, she cleaned, she was always smiles, looked after her children, wore pearls while scrubbing floors.  What was normal then would be seen as “anti-feminist” she was a Mom of Moms and a shining example to women when the show was on the air.

You know who doesn’t get enough credit sometimes?  Moms.  They help us learn to use forks and spoons, change us when we are in diapers, and they even teach us the alphabet.  All they ask in return is help fixing their Email and a phone call on occasion.  Seriously you ingrates, go call your Mothers.  Before doing that though, take a look at these 20 awesome Television Moms.

Media Source

You’re probably wondering why Estelle Costanza is on the list.  She made her Sons life unbearable but she looked after him.  She let him stay at home.  She offered to get him psychiatric help numerous times.  One time after catching him in the middle of, well, not being the master of his domain.  All she asked for was love and undying gratitude.  In return, she would offer the protection we all wanted.  Except George.  She made him a bit miserable.

You know who doesn’t get enough credit sometimes?  Moms.  They help us learn to use forks and spoons, change us when we are in diapers, and they even teach us the alphabet.  All they ask in return is help fixing their Email and a phone call on occasion.  Seriously you ingrates, go call your Mothers.  Before doing that though, take a look at these 20 awesome Television Moms.

Media Source

She’s a folk-singing, peace-lovin’, former hippie. Her oldest son, Alex P. Keaton (Michael J. Fox), is a Reagan-loving Young Republican who wears a tie every day. Oldest daughter Mallory (Justine Bateman) is a ditzy, boy-crazy fashionista. But a mother’s love knows no bounds. And so, throughout the series’ seven seasons, she supported Alex through a truly harrowing speed addiction; learned to accept Mallory’s motorcycle-riding, boneheaded boyfriend; punched out a teacher; and went into labor on public television — while singing a folk song, no less. And she’s an architect to boot. Was there anything this former flower child couldn’t do? Most impressive, however, was her miraculous ability to birth a child who ages from an infant to a four-year-old practically overnight. What other TV mom can claim that?

You know who doesn’t get enough credit sometimes?  Moms.  They help us learn to use forks and spoons, change us when we are in diapers, and they even teach us the alphabet.  All they ask in return is help fixing their Email and a phone call on occasion.  Seriously you ingrates, go call your Mothers.  Before doing that though, take a look at these 20 awesome Television Moms.

Media Source

The Addams Family, and especially Morticia Addams, was a bit of an anomaly on television back in the 50’s and 60’s.  A lot of the humor from family shows at that time, came from the wife nagging about every little thing.  But that’s not the case in “The Addams Family”.  Morticia looks after her family above all things and does things of her own will.  She may seem very flat and a little weird but when her family needs her, she is there to protect them and comfort them and to make sure that no ill will comes their way.  It was a big break from the fake sugary TV shows on at the time.

You know who doesn’t get enough credit sometimes?  Moms.  They help us learn to use forks and spoons, change us when we are in diapers, and they even teach us the alphabet.  All they ask in return is help fixing their Email and a phone call on occasion.  Seriously you ingrates, go call your Mothers.  Before doing that though, take a look at these 20 awesome Television Moms.

Media Source

Claire Dunphy not only raised 3 children but looks after her big hearted, goofy, man-childesque husband of Hers as well all at the same time making sure the kids are taken care of and doing well in school, she runs a multi-million dollars closets business that she took over from her overbearing, high standards, father.  She is willing to admit when she makes mistakes but will do anything to fix them and make sure her children get along and are happy.

You know who doesn’t get enough credit sometimes?  Moms.  They help us learn to use forks and spoons, change us when we are in diapers, and they even teach us the alphabet.  All they ask in return is help fixing their Email and a phone call on occasion.  Seriously you ingrates, go call your Mothers.  Before doing that though, take a look at these 20 awesome Television Moms.

Media Source

Claire Huxtable very nearly had the #1 spot on this list.  She was not only a great mother but a great Doctor with a very successful practice.  She was not only a role model to her children, but to children everywhere.  The Cosbys was a show about a successful black family when that wasn’t a thing to be shown on TV.  In the middle of it and taking a back seat to no one, was Claire.  It would be very easy to not be able to pull off a strong performance for a Mom when next to the comedic legend that was Bill Cosby but Phylicia Rashad held her own and it showed through her role as a Mother.  She was Strong.  Caring.  Black.  Successful.  And the most important of them all, loving.

You know who doesn’t get enough credit sometimes?  Moms.  They help us learn to use forks and spoons, change us when we are in diapers, and they even teach us the alphabet.  All they ask in return is help fixing their Email and a phone call on occasion.  Seriously you ingrates, go call your Mothers.  Before doing that though, take a look at these 20 awesome Television Moms.

Media Source

This was a very close race to the #1 spot but Marge Simpson won by the slimmest of (blue) hairs.  It’s not just because she’s such a great Mom, it’s because she’s been doing it for a long longer and been through a lot more.  She is someone who is dedicated to her family and tries to teach them right from wrong and lead them down the right path.  She is open minded to Maggie going to a school for the gifted or even Bart and Lisa going to camp to enrich their lives.  The clincher was when Bart stole a video game and she wasn’t angry, she was just disappointed and told him so, we all felt her pain.  She knew that there was nothing she could do but that Bart would have to change his behavior himself.  For that, Marge Simpsons wins the honor of being the best TV Show Mom.


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