Prove your humanity

Villains make the story for a lot of things like video games and movies. Without them there wouldn’t be conflict for the main character, and often times no villain means no hero! No matter how frustrating we must give credit where credits due. Here are the 25 best video game villains to have ever exist!

The Joker (Batman)

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With Mark Hamill back as the Joker everyone knew the clown was going to be great! They had no idea how great, even when he’s not the main villain he is! The Joker is one of the best villains ever, and one of the best in video games!

Villains make the story for a lot of things like video games and movies. Without them there wouldn’t be conflict for the main character, and often times no villain means no hero! No matter how frustrating we must give credit where credits due. Here are the 25 best video game villains to have ever exist!

Zombies (Any Game Ever)

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Zombies have become a pop culture icon, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t some of the best enemies in video games. Mowing through the undead in game after game gets more fun with each iteration!

Villains make the story for a lot of things like video games and movies. Without them there wouldn’t be conflict for the main character, and often times no villain means no hero! No matter how frustrating we must give credit where credits due. Here are the 25 best video game villains to have ever exist!

Glados (Portal)

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A sentient robot that is making you do trial after trial in it’s death trap, all while having a quirky personality… need I say more?

Villains make the story for a lot of things like video games and movies. Without them there wouldn’t be conflict for the main character, and often times no villain means no hero! No matter how frustrating we must give credit where credits due. Here are the 25 best video game villains to have ever exist!

Donkey Kong (Donkey Kong)

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Believe it or not, Donkey Kong was a villain before he was a good guy! He stole Pauline from Mario in Donkey Kong, and fought Mario by throwing barrels and other objects at him!

Villains make the story for a lot of things like video games and movies. Without them there wouldn’t be conflict for the main character, and often times no villain means no hero! No matter how frustrating we must give credit where credits due. Here are the 25 best video game villains to have ever exist!

Bowser (Super Mario Bros.)

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Bowser is one of the original villains on this list. He’s been stealing Peach for over 20 years and there’s not end in sight! I’m fine with it, that just means we get more games!

Villains make the story for a lot of things like video games and movies. Without them there wouldn’t be conflict for the main character, and often times no villain means no hero! No matter how frustrating we must give credit where credits due. Here are the 25 best video game villains to have ever exist!

Zeus (God of War)

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In God of War 3 you fight Zeus the god of all gods and win… somehow, but he definitely doesn’t make it easy, I mean he is a god after all!

Villains make the story for a lot of things like video games and movies. Without them there wouldn’t be conflict for the main character, and often times no villain means no hero! No matter how frustrating we must give credit where credits due. Here are the 25 best video game villains to have ever exist!

Vaas (Far Cry 3)

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Vaas was severely underused, and his role in Far Cry 3 made the experience. This madman was very unpredictable which made him an excellent villain in a day and age where everything is predictable!

Villains make the story for a lot of things like video games and movies. Without them there wouldn’t be conflict for the main character, and often times no villain means no hero! No matter how frustrating we must give credit where credits due. Here are the 25 best video game villains to have ever exist!

Dr. Robotnik (Sonic The Hedgehog)

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Dr. Robotnik is Sonic’s nemesis, he’s the Bowser of Sega… He’s plagued with greed which drives his motive to stop sonic and get the emeralds!

Villains make the story for a lot of things like video games and movies. Without them there wouldn’t be conflict for the main character, and often times no villain means no hero! No matter how frustrating we must give credit where credits due. Here are the 25 best video game villains to have ever exist!

Dr. Wiley (Mega Man)

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A mad scientist who’s main goal is to make robots to fight off Mega Man and stop Dr. Lights operation. Plus his mustache…

Villains make the story for a lot of things like video games and movies. Without them there wouldn’t be conflict for the main character, and often times no villain means no hero! No matter how frustrating we must give credit where credits due. Here are the 25 best video game villains to have ever exist!

Psycho Mantis (Metal Gear Solid)

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This villain broke the fourth wall, by corrupting save data with your memory card, and overall messing with your console. Don’t worry it was all scripted… or was it?

Villains make the story for a lot of things like video games and movies. Without them there wouldn’t be conflict for the main character, and often times no villain means no hero! No matter how frustrating we must give credit where credits due. Here are the 25 best video game villains to have ever exist!

Bill Williamson (Red Dead Redemption)

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This guy shot you in the first few minutes of Red Dead Redemption. Then you spend most of the game tracking him down again. That’s villain status right there…

Villains make the story for a lot of things like video games and movies. Without them there wouldn’t be conflict for the main character, and often times no villain means no hero! No matter how frustrating we must give credit where credits due. Here are the 25 best video game villains to have ever exist!

Tank (Left 4 Dead)

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The tank in Left 4 Dead is by far the most terrifying zombie. It takes thousands of bullets to kill, and even then sometimes he gets to you first. He has his own soundtrack for when he shows up, that should tell you enough…

Villains make the story for a lot of things like video games and movies. Without them there wouldn’t be conflict for the main character, and often times no villain means no hero! No matter how frustrating we must give credit where credits due. Here are the 25 best video game villains to have ever exist!

Ares (God of War)

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Ares the literal god of war, was Kratos’ dad, and you’re tasked with killing him, which is no easy task. You literally have to get on his level and become a god!

Villains make the story for a lot of things like video games and movies. Without them there wouldn’t be conflict for the main character, and often times no villain means no hero! No matter how frustrating we must give credit where credits due. Here are the 25 best video game villains to have ever exist!

Mother Brain (Metroid)

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An evil brain that controls a whole space station, this along with her minions is why Mother Brain is an awesome villain!

Villains make the story for a lot of things like video games and movies. Without them there wouldn’t be conflict for the main character, and often times no villain means no hero! No matter how frustrating we must give credit where credits due. Here are the 25 best video game villains to have ever exist!

Pyramid Head (Silent Hill 2)

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You don’t want to be in the same room as this guy, but sometimes it’s hard to hear him coming. All you can hear is the faint sound of his meat cleaver dragging on the ground!

Villains make the story for a lot of things like video games and movies. Without them there wouldn’t be conflict for the main character, and often times no villain means no hero! No matter how frustrating we must give credit where credits due. Here are the 25 best video game villains to have ever exist!

Cyberdemon (Doom)

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This creature comes directly from h*** and is almost impossible to beat, load up on all the ammo you can, because you’ll need it!

Villains make the story for a lot of things like video games and movies. Without them there wouldn’t be conflict for the main character, and often times no villain means no hero! No matter how frustrating we must give credit where credits due. Here are the 25 best video game villains to have ever exist!

Tom Nook (Animal Crossing)

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A cute raccoon? What’s he doing here? Well what makes him bad is the forced labor you have to do for him to pay off your house debt when you first start up Animal Crossing.

Villains make the story for a lot of things like video games and movies. Without them there wouldn’t be conflict for the main character, and often times no villain means no hero! No matter how frustrating we must give credit where credits due. Here are the 25 best video game villains to have ever exist!

Ghosts (Pacman)

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The ghosts in Pacman are some of the original enemies in video games, they’ve been parodied, made into merchandise. The whole 9 yards!

Villains make the story for a lot of things like video games and movies. Without them there wouldn’t be conflict for the main character, and often times no villain means no hero! No matter how frustrating we must give credit where credits due. Here are the 25 best video game villains to have ever exist!

Ganondorf (Legend of Zelda)

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The pure definition of evil. Ganondorf purely wants to rule the world and bring doom to it. As if that’s not enough when he’s not in his human form, it means he’s transformed into Ganon a huge demon pig that is near impossible to defeat!

Villains make the story for a lot of things like video games and movies. Without them there wouldn’t be conflict for the main character, and often times no villain means no hero! No matter how frustrating we must give credit where credits due. Here are the 25 best video game villains to have ever exist!


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A less serious enemy, Wario just creates a lot of trouble for Mario and serves as an evil side to the red Italian plumber!

Villains make the story for a lot of things like video games and movies. Without them there wouldn’t be conflict for the main character, and often times no villain means no hero! No matter how frustrating we must give credit where credits due. Here are the 25 best video game villains to have ever exist!

Dog (Duck Hunt)

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This guy is just a j***. He’d straight laugh at you if you missed a shot, and ended up stealing all of the ducks you shot. For that he’s considered a villain!

Villains make the story for a lot of things like video games and movies. Without them there wouldn’t be conflict for the main character, and often times no villain means no hero! No matter how frustrating we must give credit where credits due. Here are the 25 best video game villains to have ever exist!

The Moon (TLOZ Majora’s Mask)

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That face should really tell you all you need to know…

Villains make the story for a lot of things like video games and movies. Without them there wouldn’t be conflict for the main character, and often times no villain means no hero! No matter how frustrating we must give credit where credits due. Here are the 25 best video game villains to have ever exist!

Necromorphs (Dead Space)

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These gross aliens have been scaring players for a long time! Their gross and scary bodies are made up of dead space people and sometimes multiple people!

Villains make the story for a lot of things like video games and movies. Without them there wouldn’t be conflict for the main character, and often times no villain means no hero! No matter how frustrating we must give credit where credits due. Here are the 25 best video game villains to have ever exist!

Zoran Lazarevich (Uncharted 2)

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The villain in a epic treasure hunt has to be a built Russian guy! How can it not? Lazarevich fits this role perfectly!

Villains make the story for a lot of things like video games and movies. Without them there wouldn’t be conflict for the main character, and often times no villain means no hero! No matter how frustrating we must give credit where credits due. Here are the 25 best video game villains to have ever exist!

Your Friends (Mario Kart)

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There’s no worst enemy in video games than your friends, especially if they’re better than you!