Nothing is as exciting as watching a great movie while you’re relaxing in the theater or at home.  Nothing is more jarring to have the movie stop cold for a quick word from an advertiser no matter what is going on in the scene.  Some play it off but some try to hide the obviousness of it but fail miserably.

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Apple products were used all over this movie but the most glaring product placement is when a vampire hunter takes time out to hook up the new-to-the-market iPod (Gen 1) to her Apple Laptop simply because she needs music to listen to while kicking vampire b***.  It wasn’t like it was just mentioned, we watch her drag and drop, even the music she’s picking, and just gratuitous shots of both devices working.

Nothing is as exciting as watching a great movie while you’re relaxing in the theater or at home.  Nothing is more jarring to have the movie stop cold for a quick word from an advertiser no matter what is going on in the scene.  Some play it off but some try to hide the obviousness of it but fail miserably.

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I’ll push aside the fact that I only found this movie to be barely over mediocre for a second to discuss the unhealthy relationship it had with Audi.  They released an over 1 minute and 30 second commercial with a chase scene through the streets of NYC.  Captain America steals an Audi, being chased by other Audi’s, while the family is in, an Audi.  Then at the end, an Audi rolls over about 7 times and we see parts flying off but absolutely ZERO damage to the car itself.  I mean, come on man!

Nothing is as exciting as watching a great movie while you’re relaxing in the theater or at home.  Nothing is more jarring to have the movie stop cold for a quick word from an advertiser no matter what is going on in the scene.  Some play it off but some try to hide the obviousness of it but fail miserably.

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Castaway.  The famous movie that had us watch a 2 hour and 23 minute FedEx commercial.

Nothing is as exciting as watching a great movie while you’re relaxing in the theater or at home.  Nothing is more jarring to have the movie stop cold for a quick word from an advertiser no matter what is going on in the scene.  Some play it off but some try to hide the obviousness of it but fail miserably.

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In Demolition Man, John Spartan (Sylvester Stallone) makes a joke about how non-fancy Taco Bell is when his partner Lenina Huxley (Sandra Bullock) informs him that he may be making a joke but that Taco Bell is the only one to survive the franchise war and now EVERY restaurant is a Taco Bell.  Cue interior shot of a fancy Taco Bell with a jingle playing for Jolly Green Giant vegetables.  They were not subtle.

Nothing is as exciting as watching a great movie while you’re relaxing in the theater or at home.  Nothing is more jarring to have the movie stop cold for a quick word from an advertiser no matter what is going on in the scene.  Some play it off but some try to hide the obviousness of it but fail miserably.

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An iconic candy to an iconic movie that happened to be an advertisement.  Steven Spilberg first went to Mars (Owners and makers of M&M) to use their candy in the movie but they said no.  Why they said no is unsure and rumors abound but Steven then went to Mars (Owners and Makers of Reeses’ Pieces) and they jumped at the chance.  That’s why we never hear of M&M’ again.  Kidding.  However, it did boost their sales by a reported 65% 2 weeks after the movie was released.

Nothing is as exciting as watching a great movie while you’re relaxing in the theater or at home.  Nothing is more jarring to have the movie stop cold for a quick word from an advertiser no matter what is going on in the scene.  Some play it off but some try to hide the obviousness of it but fail miserably.

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BMW Presents: 007: Goldeneye should have been the name on the signage outside theaters for this one.  BMW spent 3 million dollars to put their new car in the movie.  Delays almost saw the release date pushed until the NEW BMW Roadster was coming out so it nearly cost them 3 million dollars to advertise the previous years car.  The car was so pushed as THE car that it nearly felt like an entire movie was a commercial for it.

Nothing is as exciting as watching a great movie while you’re relaxing in the theater or at home.  Nothing is more jarring to have the movie stop cold for a quick word from an advertiser no matter what is going on in the scene.  Some play it off but some try to hide the obviousness of it but fail miserably.

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Adam Sandler is not one to shy away from obvious product placement (Another of his movies makes the list here too) and this one was just as obvious.  It fit a little bit as Happy was tossed from the Tour for a bit and had to make money so, he became a pitchman.  Great way to fit an actual advertisement into the movie but a little heavy handed with it in this respect.

Nothing is as exciting as watching a great movie while you’re relaxing in the theater or at home.  Nothing is more jarring to have the movie stop cold for a quick word from an advertiser no matter what is going on in the scene.  Some play it off but some try to hide the obviousness of it but fail miserably.

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This movie is a little bit of the “Which came first the Chicken or the Egg”.  Did White Castle make a movie to advertise their products to stoners or was White Castle so famous to the targeted audience that it just made sense to make it about going to White Castle?

Nothing is as exciting as watching a great movie while you’re relaxing in the theater or at home.  Nothing is more jarring to have the movie stop cold for a quick word from an advertiser no matter what is going on in the scene.  Some play it off but some try to hide the obviousness of it but fail miserably.

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I, Converse… I mean, I, Robot had one of the most obvious product placements with the obsession over the Converse All*Star shoes.  This fascination for the “Classic” shoe felt incredibly forced, cringey, and leaving people confused on his obsession over the shoes of the past.

Nothing is as exciting as watching a great movie while you’re relaxing in the theater or at home.  Nothing is more jarring to have the movie stop cold for a quick word from an advertiser no matter what is going on in the scene.  Some play it off but some try to hide the obviousness of it but fail miserably.

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Jack And Jill, another Adam Sandler movie, makes this list as being not only obvious but poorly done, horrible, and dragging down the career of a 5 star Actor, Al Pacino.  The whole movie Adam Sandlers character, an Ad Executive, is trying to pitch a commercial for Dunkin Donuts.  He dreams of getting Al Pacino to do it which he finally does that sees the movie end with a music number performed by none other than Mr. Pacino himself.  I typically put spoilers but it’s likely you were never going to see this abomination of a movie anyways.

Nothing is as exciting as watching a great movie while you’re relaxing in the theater or at home.  Nothing is more jarring to have the movie stop cold for a quick word from an advertiser no matter what is going on in the scene.  Some play it off but some try to hide the obviousness of it but fail miserably.

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On top of IHOP and Sears (pictured) You will see CNN, Budweiser, Nikon, 7 Eleven, Warby Parker Glasses, Nokia and lots lots lots more.  In fact, they made $160 million dollars before the movie was ever released.  That’s just from selling product placement.

Nothing is as exciting as watching a great movie while you’re relaxing in the theater or at home.  Nothing is more jarring to have the movie stop cold for a quick word from an advertiser no matter what is going on in the scene.  Some play it off but some try to hide the obviousness of it but fail miserably.

Media Source

Little Nicky (The Third Adam Sandler movie on this list) made me feel like I was watching a Popeyes Chicken commercial for about 1/4 of the movie.  He finally gets a bite and exclaims how amazing it is.  Well, in words we can’t use here on Mutually™ but yeah.  He mentions Popeyes multiple times in the movie throughout.

Nothing is as exciting as watching a great movie while you’re relaxing in the theater or at home.  Nothing is more jarring to have the movie stop cold for a quick word from an advertiser no matter what is going on in the scene.  Some play it off but some try to hide the obviousness of it but fail miserably.

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TV Shows are far from immune to this, and often times the biggest offendors, but almost nothing tops this Ford Fusion commercial seen in “The New Girl”.  This commercial, err, show went a little overboard with this ones and I highly encourage you to check it out on YouTube.

Nothing is as exciting as watching a great movie while you’re relaxing in the theater or at home.  Nothing is more jarring to have the movie stop cold for a quick word from an advertiser no matter what is going on in the scene.  Some play it off but some try to hide the obviousness of it but fail miserably.

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One of the 2 biggest surprises in this list, Ray Ban’s were prominent in the movie Risky Business.  360,000 pairs were sold after the movie came out and at the time Ray Ban was just a small fledgling company.

Nothing is as exciting as watching a great movie while you’re relaxing in the theater or at home.  Nothing is more jarring to have the movie stop cold for a quick word from an advertiser no matter what is going on in the scene.  Some play it off but some try to hide the obviousness of it but fail miserably.

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Ahhh, the movie “Sully”.  About the heroic Man who saved 150 people from dying in a Marriot Hotel.  No wait, sorry.  He saved people by heroically landing a plane on the Hudson.  Then proceeded to stay in a Marriot over and over and over again. A great easter egg in this movie is that Marriott’s new logo from 2014 is magically emblazoned on every hotel, uniform badge and sign despite the fact the rest of the story is very authentically set in 2009.

Nothing is as exciting as watching a great movie while you’re relaxing in the theater or at home.  Nothing is more jarring to have the movie stop cold for a quick word from an advertiser no matter what is going on in the scene.  Some play it off but some try to hide the obviousness of it but fail miserably.

Media Source

The Internship, or “Why you should come work for Google”, was essentially Google employees bragging about how awesome their job is and how much yours sucks for not having vegan selections in the cafeteria.  Or the fact your job doesn’t have a cafeteria.  Or a vending machine not filled with combs and Apples no one eats.

Nothing is as exciting as watching a great movie while you’re relaxing in the theater or at home.  Nothing is more jarring to have the movie stop cold for a quick word from an advertiser no matter what is going on in the scene.  Some play it off but some try to hide the obviousness of it but fail miserably.

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The Italian Job.  The movie that showed you that Mini Coopers can do anything an SUV can do including jumping stairs.  Except one thing.  Looking cool while driving it.

Nothing is as exciting as watching a great movie while you’re relaxing in the theater or at home.  Nothing is more jarring to have the movie stop cold for a quick word from an advertiser no matter what is going on in the scene.  Some play it off but some try to hide the obviousness of it but fail miserably.

Media Source

The Thomas Crowne Affair, though it isn’t #1, has one of the most bone jarring, what the h***, moments with product placement I’ve ever seen.  Pepsi introduced “Pepsi One” to a now healthy America and wanted to advertise it in a new movie.  They chose a scene where Rene Russo has finally pieced together the crime but takes the time to chug a Pepsi One so much you can hear it audibly.  There is literally 10 seconds of watching her, and listening to her, chug a Pepsi One like a drunk at a frat party.  She stops, says a few words, continues to down the drink.  Always with the label facing the camera.

Nothing is as exciting as watching a great movie while you’re relaxing in the theater or at home.  Nothing is more jarring to have the movie stop cold for a quick word from an advertiser no matter what is going on in the scene.  Some play it off but some try to hide the obviousness of it but fail miserably.

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Toy Story was ground breaking in CGI but it was always a ground breaking movie in how to advertise to children.  Sales of the Mr. Potato Head toy increased 800 percent.  The company that made the slinky dog?  Out of business for 10 years before the release of the movie and hadn’t had product on the shelves in 4 years.  They were reborn with the demand to make more of the dogs.  The biggest winner was Etch-a-Sketch that saw sales increase by 4,000% after the release of the movie.

Nothing is as exciting as watching a great movie while you’re relaxing in the theater or at home.  Nothing is more jarring to have the movie stop cold for a quick word from an advertiser no matter what is going on in the scene.  Some play it off but some try to hide the obviousness of it but fail miserably.

Media Source

It’s not a Michael Bay film unless it’s got dozens of obvious product placements.  This scene has Mark Whalberg crashing into a Bud Light truck, the beers going everywhere, and him stopping to drink one.  All while there is a Good Year billboard in the background.

Nothing is as exciting as watching a great movie while you’re relaxing in the theater or at home.  Nothing is more jarring to have the movie stop cold for a quick word from an advertiser no matter what is going on in the scene.  Some play it off but some try to hide the obviousness of it but fail miserably.

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White House Down is one of the bigger offendors as they tried to pass it off as part of the movie but they have a side profile, close up, of the Nike Air shoes then have the character wearing them kick the guy in the face while screaming about touching his Nike Air Jordans™.

Nothing is as exciting as watching a great movie while you’re relaxing in the theater or at home.  Nothing is more jarring to have the movie stop cold for a quick word from an advertiser no matter what is going on in the scene.  Some play it off but some try to hide the obviousness of it but fail miserably.

Media Source

Welcome to World War Z.  Where you find a way to stop being attacked by Zombies and you take a moment, in the middle of the climatic scene of the movie, to crack open a Pepsi.  Why?  Because why not.

Nothing is as exciting as watching a great movie while you’re relaxing in the theater or at home.  Nothing is more jarring to have the movie stop cold for a quick word from an advertiser no matter what is going on in the scene.  Some play it off but some try to hide the obviousness of it but fail miserably.

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You’ve Got Mail.  An iconic phrase that almost everyone should know.  It was turned into a RomCom about internet dating through AOL Chats.  Why AOL had to be so prominent in this movie, I’m not sure, but the phrase is said many times.  It makes me wonder if they tried to make a movie about dating now and used Tinder if they’d call it “You Got Pictures Of A Random Guys Junk”.

Nothing is as exciting as watching a great movie while you’re relaxing in the theater or at home.  Nothing is more jarring to have the movie stop cold for a quick word from an advertiser no matter what is going on in the scene.  Some play it off but some try to hide the obviousness of it but fail miserably.

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Mac and Me.  A movie about a boy who finds an alien and goes on an adventure and isn’t named E.T.  This was one of those “So bad it’s funny in an unintentional way” movies.  So much so, that this scene in particular became a meme on the internet that is still used.  What is the glaring advertisement part?  In one scene the kid in the wheelchair dresses up Mac in a bear costume and takes him to a McDonalds where Ronald makes an appearance.  There is a party going and people suddenly bust out into an extremely long and choreographed dance scene.  Which happens frequently in McDonalds.  This movie was literally funded by McDonalds and Coca-Cola if you were curious.

Nothing is as exciting as watching a great movie while you’re relaxing in the theater or at home.  Nothing is more jarring to have the movie stop cold for a quick word from an advertiser no matter what is going on in the scene.  Some play it off but some try to hide the obviousness of it but fail miserably.

Media Source

So, Nintendo in all its wisdom, decided to come out with something called “The Power Glove”.  This was a cool new way to play games on your NES but they had no way to really advertise it outside of the constant advertisements on TV.  So they decided to make a movie advertising it and charge parents $4 a piece to go see it.  I went and saw it and loved it.  However, this was literally nothing but a giant advertisement for The Power Glove.  It goes over the cool things it can do in a not very subtle way throughout the movie.  Repeatedly.  For that reason, it is #1 on this list.

I think Garth from Waynes World really summed it up well.

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