A Father’s Documentary of His Daughter’s first Day in School over the 12 years,
See the Responses a Daughter Gave Her Father during Her First Day in School for 12 Years,
A Father Records His Daughters First Day in School in All Her 12 Years of Elementary Education,
A 12-Year Tale of a Father/Daughter Relationship on Her First Day in School,
A Heartwarming Documentary of a Daughter’s First Day in School over 12 Years,
A Tale of A Daughter’s 12 Years and 12 First Days at School As Recorded By Her Father,
Father – Daughter Interview: The Amazing Change in Responses Over 12 Years of Schooling,
Girl Gives Her Father Amazing Responses in 12 Different Interviews Over 12 Years of Schooling,
12 Amazing Responses Given By Daughter to Father Over 12 First Days in School in 12 Years

At first, you are excited that you are going back to school. Your school bag is new and if you go to the private schools, you are probably wearing a new uniform. Your parents tuck you in the back seat of the car and off you go – to begin your own life – says the adoring parents.

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They kiss you goodbye at the school entrance and hand you over to your school teacher. And right there and then, the apprehension begins. There are so many people, too many bells, and you don’t understand what the teacher says. It is so unlike your local day care where you used to play with Meg and Bryan…the kids next door. No sir! You will have to put up with bigger kids.

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But memories can be made. And this is exactly what Kevin Scruggs set out to do with his daughter Mackenzie when her turn to go to school came. Aged six and with a school bag, he started to take interviews of her first day in school.

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The answers differ in different interviews and in different years, but what’s consistent is the tradition. Do you have such traditions in your family?
1st Grade

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Father: What did you do in school?
Daughter: I had lots of fun playing with a girl I met. We did coloring.
2nd Grade

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Father: Did you learn anything?
Daughter: I sat next to a girl that made a silly face of my picture.
3rd Grade

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Father: What was your favorite thing you did today?
Daughter: Playing with Mackenzie…apparently, there is another Mackenzie in her class.
4th Grade

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Father: Do you have a lot of homework today?
Daughter: (Rolls eyes)…I’ll have more than that though… (Changes topics)…I love my ice-cream
5th Grade

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Father: And what else is new about this year?
Daughter: (Silent)…probably thinks it is a stupid question)
Father: Do you like the student council?
Daughter: Yes
Father: What did you do this morning?
Daughter: I greeted everybody and showed them to their classroom.
6th Grade

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Father: Who is your teacher?
Daughter: Mrs. Covick… (Sounds excited. She probably likes the teacher).
7th Grade

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Father: What momentous thing happened today?
Daughter: I went to junior high (more reserved…probably because she is a teenager now).
8th Grade

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Father: Daddy had a difficult time today with you since this is your last year and next year you will be in high school. So I am proud of you, but I am little sad
Daughter: (Shows his father a big-up gesture and smiles coyly).
9th Grade

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Father: What grade are you now?
Daughter: 9th grade and this makes me a freshman. (Looks happy and has shed lots of weight. Looks beautiful).
10th Grade

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Father: What are you most excited about this year?
Daughter: (Thinks for a while and answers)…football games. Because I am checking out some cute boys.
11th Grade

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Father: What are you looking forward to most this year?
Daughter: Sleeping in a little bit…seriously…sleep a little bit. (She is now a grown woman).
12th Grade

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Father: What are you looking forward to this year, your senior year?
Daughter: Prom and graduation

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In each of the interviews, Kevin ended the interview with an emotional “I love you”. In each of the grade, the daughter replies with “I love you too, dad”.

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There are hundreds of people who wish they have documented their children’s first day in school just like Kevin. Others have made a commitment to record their children’s first day in school. It is heartwarming to see your children go through these stages of their life.

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One fan of the video, which has recorded more than 2 million views had this to say:
“It is sweet that she could tell her dad that she was looking for cute boys. The father shows maturity by understanding checking out boys is part of a high school’s girl life. He doesn’t come out as over protective”.

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Another fan (imnoidoit5) said:
“It’s so weird right? One day you have a kid, they’re an infant who is the size of your forearm and then boom they’re in high school. Being a parent is a whirlwind of so many things. I’m happy that this guy took the time out to be prescient and record some of the things he may have regretted missing. I wonder how this guy felt to see his daughter grow up from 0 to 18. I wonder when I will experience that.” 

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One is left to wonder what the dad’s graduation surprise for his daughter will be…

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