There are some extremely creative and smart people in the world that have made some cool inventions. Most of these inventions have unfortunately not made it to where I live, but after looking at these pictures, I would do anything to have them here! Look at these 25 pictures and you’ll see what I mean:

These Are the Best Inventions Ever Made, 25 of the Most Creative Inventions, Inventions That You’ll Need as Soon as You See Them, Some of the Best Inventions in the World, 25 Inventions that You Will Want Right Away, Inventions That Will Make Your Life Easier, These 25 Things Will Make Your Life More Simple, 25 Inventions That Anyone Will Appreciate, These 25 Inventions Are Unforgettable, Inventions That Only Geniuses Could Come Up With

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This movie theater has bathroom stalls that are based on what movie you’re seeing so you don’t have to miss out! Might be a little odd, but it would help people that are afraid of missing out.

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These comfy movie theater seats would be perfect for a date night!

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This power outlet has a USB plug! Bye bye chunky adapters, you won’t be missed.

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This nightlight on the power outlet looks beneficial! Anyone who has had to plug their phone charger in an outlet at night knows how helpful this would be.

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This extension chord outlet would be extremely useful!

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This key GPS looks like the best thing to ever happen. I know so many people that could use this!

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This rotatable bench is perfect for when a thunderstorm has just passed through. Just turn it, and you have a dry seat!

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This coffee cup that catches any spilled drips is something that every avid coffee drinker needs.

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These parking garage lights that show you if a space is taken seem like they would save so much time!

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I’m not even a child and this slide next to the stairs looks like a blast. It seems like an effective and fun way to get down without having to walk.

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This is the perfect way to get people to throw their trash in the can instead of on the ground. Whoever decided to make a game out of this trash can knows how to motivate people.

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This is awesome for school students! I can think of a few students that would be happy if they could get this cool backpack.

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This invention is so awesome! It makes filling up your water bottle so much easier.

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Cleaning a room while riding on a segway sounds like a big time saver.

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As a girl who has long hair, these hairbrushes look like they would be extremely useful.

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Earphones that have a zipper look like they would be great for people who always seem to have their earphones tangled up.

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This sidewalk bike rack is perfect – it looks organized and convenient. It seems easier than massive racks.

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These banana wet floor cones make the message very clear!

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This Christmas package tape is perfect since it’s quick and easy to open!

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Paying for transportation with recyclables is an amazing invention.

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All Pringles lovers need this plastic hook that lifts the chips out of the bottle.

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This gadget uses cold or heat to charge your phone. If it came out in the stores, I’m sure there would be a waiting list due to the demand of it.

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This specific solar panel is for charging your iPhone. Who knows, we might be seeing this sometime in the future.

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Rotatable power strips look like they would solve all of your charger problems!

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They have cupcake ATM’s and now they have pizza dispensers! These inventors are definitely doing something right.