There are few things more satisfying than finding something valuable that you didn’t know was there. Whether it’s an antique coin, a piece of jewelry, or something else entirely, the thrill of the find is undeniable.

If you’re interested in getting into metal detecting, then you’re in for a treat! Not only is this a fun and rewarding hobby, but it can also be surprisingly complex. Don’t worry though – we’re going to explore everything you need to know before getting started so that you can hit the ground running (or beachcombing).

Let’s get started!

Metal Detecting – First Steps

Like anything else, it’s important to do your research before you jump in and get started. Metal detecting can be as simple or complex as you want to make it, so it’s best that you immerse yourself in the hobby before committing time and money.

First things first: what type of detector will work for you? There are two main types of detectors: pulse induction (PI) and multi-frequency. A PI detector sends out a magnetic wave that “listens” to the metal underneath, whereas a multi-frequency detector will use multiple frequencies to find different types of metals buried under the ground. Generally speaking, PIs are better for deep targets while multi-frequencies are better for pinpointing.

What You Need To Know Before Buying A Metal Detector

This is obviously your first step in getting into metal detecting. The type of metal detector you choose will depend on the size of the land you are searching through, how much time you have to search for treasure, and whether or not it’s a hobby you want to make a regular part of your life.

For people who are new to this hobby, I recommend purchasing a metal detector that is multifunctional and affordable. There are many types of machines to choose from as well as different manufacturers such as Bounty Hunter, Garrett, and Minelab (see this article about the best metal detectors).

There’s no need to spend hundreds or even thousands of dollars if you aren’t sure this will be something you enjoy. In fact, you might not even have a specific metal detector in mind. If that’s the case, then head over to Amazon and explore all of the different types!

Most people think that metal detecting is expensive, but actually buying a metal detector doesn’t have to be. It depends on the type of metal detector you want if it’s used or new, and what features are available to you. First, start by exploring metal detectors available for purchase on Amazon.

Once you get the hang of using a metal detector, it will be time to explore new ways to use them! First, make sure that your equipment is ready for action. If you are at the beach, you need water shoes since rocks may be sharp along with towels and sunscreen. If you are in the woods, make sure to have a good pair of work gloves and a hat because lots of branches can get in your way. Since there may be roots everywhere, also bring a knife so you can cut through them while you hunt for treasure!

Another aspect to think about before buying a metal detector is where you’ll be using it. Will you be going out into the woods or hunting along the beach? You will want to choose equipment that is both waterproof and rust-resistant.

What To Look For In A Metal Detector

This will depend on the type of metal detector you buy, but there are certain features that are helpful for everyone.

First, find out what kind of batteries your detector uses. Some use standard alkaline batteries while others require more obscure types. If you don’t want to deal with this hassle, choose one that uses more mainstream types of batteries.

Next, make sure the metal detector is easy to use. Otherwise, it will sit in your closet collecting dust (which is no fun at all). It’s like buying a new smartphone – you need to learn how to use it. Luckily, there are plenty of free tutorials available online to help you get started!

An important aspect of any metal detector is the type of coils it uses. Some only have one coil which you move around and search with while others have two separate coils. The latter allows you to search for treasure much more efficiently and provides a better range as well.

One of the most important aspects to look for is water resistance. Whether you’re at the beach or in the woods, you don’t want your metal detector shorting out on you! Plus, it will be a pain to carry around and will prevent you from enjoying your hobby as much as possible.

Beach Or Woods? What You Need To Know

Metal detecting can be as simple or complicated as you want it to be. It all depends on the type of metal detector you choose and how much time you have to explore your surroundings. Your choice will also depend on whether you’re searching for treasure at a beach or out in the woods.

Since most people think that metal detecting is a hobby that is only done at beaches, you may want to search for treasure near your home.

In this case, all you need to do is purchase a waterproof metal detector and go from there! It’s as simple as that.

If you’d rather go hunting in the woods though, then keep reading. You’ll need to be more careful as far as choosing a metal detector that is both rust-resistant and waterproof. Also, you will need to make sure you have a shovel with you – it’s always better to be safe than sorry!

What To Do Once You Find Treasure

After spending countless hours searching for treasure, there may come a time when you find something! What happens next?

Well, you can keep it if the landowner doesn’t mind. If they do, however, then find a place where you can buy your own plot of land and start searching according to local laws! Just remember to ask permission first…

If the treasure is in the water and belongs to someone else, or in a place that you can’t buy, then it’s time to call in the experts.

As with anything else in life, there are many pros and cons when it comes to metal detecting. If you decide to take up this hobby though, make sure you find an appropriate metal detector (we recommend Bounty Hunter or Garrett), read all of the instructions carefully, and start digging for treasure!

What do you think about metal detecting? Is it something you would like to try? Why or why not? Have you ever found any treasures while metal detecting? Let us know in the comments!